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    Dinosaurs Versus Aliens Could Be Best Worst Combo Since Nuts & Gum

    It's almost like Will Smith and Barry Sonnenfeld have both during the course of this troubled Men in Black 3(D) production looked in the mirror and asked, "What am I doing?"

    In the case of Smith, odds are looking good for him to star in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained. Yes, Smith's shown he can get past his longtime on-autopilot movie-star "Aw Hell nah!" persona onscreen and deliver a worthwhile performance. It's encouraging to the cause to hear (via Variety) that he's been actively looking to work with filmmakers ready and willing to push him and, best of all in the cast of a production like this, waver his (admittedly well-deserved) top-dollar salary.

    So what the Hell is Sonnenfeld doing? According to "TOLDJA," more crap is in his future. He's attached to direct and no, I'm not joking, Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens. It's said to be based on a forthcoming graphic novel from comics-writer Grant Morrison who will also adapt the story into screenplay form.

    Something about a "secret prehistoric world war battle" or some crap involving smarter-than-the-average T-Rex fighting off an alien invasion. To be honest, I can't dog the man too much. He's never been a filmmaker I've personally founding interesting; just a poor man's Tim Burton, and you know how sick and tired of Burton's shtick I am.

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