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    Darren Aronofsky To Study 'Human Nature'

    Since dropping out of directing The Wolverine some months ago (get my take on that whole situation here), it looks like Darren Aronofsky may have found his next project: Human Nature.

    Vulture reports Aronofsky has his sights set on making this fifteen-year old original sci-fi spec his next feature film.  The story is said to revolve around a man who is cryogenically frozen and wakes up years later to find human beings have become pets of another species.

    The script is by an unknown screenwriter named Jeff Welch (but hey, it's gotta be good if Aronofsky wants to do it) as well as having George Clooney attached to star (we'll see if that works out).

    Word is that Warner Bros.-based producer Akiva Goldsman (I Am Legend) is currently budgeting the movie with an aim to make this Aronofksy's next picture.

    I'm all for anything Aronofsky chooses to do, but ideally, get someone else to star besides George Clooney.  No matter what any critic or moviegoer says, the guy can only play one role: George Clooney.

    Quick example:

    From Dusk Till Dawn - George Clooney with an attitude.

    ER - George Clooney as a Doctor.

    Syriana - George Clooeny fat and with a beard.

    Up in the Air - George Clooney flying around.

    The Perfect Storm - George Clooney with a Boston accent.

    Ocean films - Pretty sure that was just George Clooney being George Clooney.

    Maybe Aronofsky will get Viggo Mortensen instead.  Now that would be great.

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