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    Dominic Monaghan Returns to Middle Earth for The Hobbit

    Cate Blancett, Orlando Bloom, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, Elijah Wood, and (knock on wood) Hugo Weaving - whether or not their characters were prominent in J.R.R. Tolkien's book, they'll appear in some fashion in The Hobbit as we've heard over the last several months.

    ThinkMcflyThink has received word of another Lord of the Rings alum joining the cast: Dominic Monaghan. No word on how big or, most likely, small his appearance will be or if we can also expect to see Sean Astin or Billy Boyd as well.

    I can't argue against the logic of getting as many original LOTR cast-members as possible to return. It's all there from a marketing standpoint. Bring them down to New Zealand, throw good money their way and get them onscreen for a couple of minutes. Then you can slap them on all the trailers and TV spots and thus be easier to re-familiarize audiences with the franchise and segue into their new protagonist, Martin Freeman.

    Production is slated to begin on March 21st.

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