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    Lindsay Lohan Wants To Fly With Superman

    This is sort of a secret, but for the good of this article, I am going to reveal it to everybody. I am a huge fan of "Mean Girls". I have probably seen it at least three dozen times. My girlfriend thinks I have completely lost my mind considering the excitement I have any time I see it on TBS or some other station that repeats movies over and over again. Why wouldn't you want to soak in the eye candy that is Rachel McAdams, Lace Chabert, & Amanday Seyfried, and  of course Lindsay Lohan while laughing it up at their expense? Tina Fey brought the noise while adapting the script and now my deep dark secret is out for all to see.

    Lohan has had her ups and downs since then. Her acting career has become something as a joke, her weight has plummeted to unhealthy standards, and let's not forget her "Duke Boys" like trouble with the law. Despite all that, TMZ has floated out a rumor that Lohan has been in constant contact with the powers that be to secure a role in the next Superman flick. Anything is possible at this point, so it's tough to come out and say, "No way this could be true!" I never thought Henry Cavill would be up for the role of Superman, never mind cast, I was flat out told he wouldn't by people at The Brothers Warner. Sweet contacts. Thanks guys.

    If it isn't Lois Lane, and could still be a major character there are several choices. Lohan would make for pretty spot on Lana Lang looks wise, almost as if she has stepped off the pages of the comic themselves. If not Lana, maybe Cat Grant, a gossip columnist who flirts it up with Clark Kent at The Daily Planet. Other possibilities include the Kryptonian villianess Ursa (doubtful) or Mercy, one of Lex Luthor's bodyguards and occasional bang buddy. If Robert Downey Jr. and now Charlie Sheen can live all of their nine lives, maybe LiLo can as well. 

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    In other news, it looks like Rosamund Pike is out of the Ursa running, having signed on today to play Andromeda in Wrath of the Titans.

    I have to say, it's exciting to see so many stories flying around about the Superman movie. I'm glad to know it's being talked about and known about and all that other good stuff.

    02-8-2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Bierly

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