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    Shameless Avengers Whoring Continues - Hawkeye Appearing in Thor

    Things are finally getting back to normal with the holidays over. Although we still have to deal with ball-shrinkingly cold weather, Goddamnit. But we apologize for having led in our asses last week what with next-to-nothing going on and bullshitting with our families and so forth. So besides what hits today, it's catch-up time at Think McFly Think.

    You might have heard we're getting an Avengers movie in May 2012. It was only shoved down our throats at the end of The Incredible Hulk and plenty of wasted time/bullshit setup in Iron Man 2.

    They say it's totally gonna rock and all because Joss Whedon is directing (He's a fanboy Messiah I'm told for reasons that can't be logically explained) and it has all the superheroes everyone wants to see together fighting bad guys. If the heroes in question were Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, Christian Bale's Batman, Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man, somebody as Superman and Downey's Iron Man. The general public would lose their shit over such a movie, but thank you very much asshole rival studios for not making that movie.

    Alas, you'll have to settle for Shellhead, two unproven onscreen heroes (Chris Evans as Captain America and Chris Hemsworth as Thor – both solo flicks hitting this summer), Marc Ruffalo as the angry green giant and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye.

    The Wrap says to expect Jeremy Renner in Thor. A mole alleges to have seen an early cut of Kenneth Branagh’s epic, and Renner pops up. Because Marvel didn't waste enough time already stopping the movie just to tell us idiots in the audience, "SETUP!"

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