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    « Sir Ian McKellen Locked In for The Hobbit | Main | Jurassic Park 4 & Superman Fakery Strike! »

    Andy Serkis Returns for The Hobbit

    If you were in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and are not currently expecting to pop up in The Hobbit, please leave us your contact information and we'll have someone get back with you immediately to correct this error.

    A week after the confirmation of Elijah Wood's return to Middle Earth despite his character Frodo, the lead in Peter Jackson's trilogy not appearing in the J.R.R. Tolkien precursor novel comes confirmation of additional returning alum.

    "TOLDJA" says a deal's been signed, sealed and delivered for Andy Serkis to reprise the Gollum role in the two movies. While a deal between the studio and Sir Ian McKellen are still ongoing, his return is expected. Hold out for every penny you can earn, Sir.

    Surprisingly though (when you factor in comments in the press months back to the contrary), Christopher Lee is expected to return as Saruman and even Ian Holm as the older Bilbo, which would further explain how they plan to shoehorn Frodo into this. No word on Hugo Weaving though – odd.

    Filming is expected to start in the new couple of weeks in New Zealand.

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