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    Jurassic Park 4 & Superman Fakery Strike!

    For a couple of hours last night, the Internet was aghast with two items that screamed, "FAAAAAAAAKE!" But that didn't stop the talks from rumbling nonetheless on two franchises in Revival mode: one most definitely happening, the other eventually.

    First up came a piece stating that not only was Jurassic Park 4 greenlit, but already filming. The item originated from Behind the Thrills, and picked up by AICN. The "evidence" as pictured on the left side of your screen stated the film was already taking space next to TV productions Desperate Housewives and Parenthood.

    Didn't take too long for two separate outlets (Badass Digest and Coming Soon) to debunk it. A fourth Jurassic Park is one of those things that seem inevitable to happen. But you know, if one was really going on right now, A) don’t you think somebody would have heard about it and B) the filmmakers be working under an alternate code-name to throw everyone off?

    Meanwhile, some snapshots supposedly taken for Superman: The Man of Steel popped up over on Superman Homepage. The text going along with the pics stated the actor in the trunks (unknown TV actor Geoff Ward) had read for director Zack Snyder three times prior and was now in the final screen-test stages.

    No doubt the identity of the new actor will leak through the cracks on sites like "TOLDJA" or Latino Review. That shit just happens, nothing you can do to stop it. But we're supposed to believe that a production as security-tight as the Supes reboot somehow had pictures leaked from the screen-test phase - not to mention how many fan-films are there out there like this one?

    Sounds like this came from the actor himself and/or his representation in an attempt to garnish fan-support. That shit never works.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Plus that third picture has everyone obviously looking at the camera and the dude in the back giving a peace sign. I'm sure WB motioned for that to be leaked.

    01-10-2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Rapier

    I wouldn't mind seeing another jp film. I do hope we get another one down the road. Curious to see where they would take the series. As for the superman news it did seem pretty bs. So can't wait to see who lands superman this time.

    01-10-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

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