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    Virginia Madsen Joins Red Riding Hood

    Virginia Madsen has joined the cast of another classic tale re-imagined, Red Riding Hood.

    Taking place in a medieval setting, the supernatural thriller will be hitting theatres next year in March. Madsen joins what already looks to be a formidable cast in Lukas Haas, Shiloh Fernandez, Julie Christie and Gary Oldman.

    Reading more on this take of the story, Warner Brothers is asking for something along the lines of a Twilight styled romance with the supernatural elements woven throughout. There has also been talk of the film taking a much darker tone, almost to the extent of horror but the two styles being bounced around don't seem to cooperate into a cohesive unit at this point.

    I'm beginning to picture some similarities with M. Night Shyamayan's The Village. If they take that route I think this could be a really interesting version of the beloved children's tale.

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    Haven't heard about this version of RRH before but I like Virginia Madsen so that's a plus for me.

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