A 'Star Wars' Reboot - Just Consider It For A Minute

So I'm reading Total Film today and come across a feature about a 'Star Wars' reboot. I don't click on it because I think this is some news exclusive that I missed (I'm gullible sometimes but not that much). I just look at it out of curiosity expecting nothing more than a bit of pointless fan fiction fun.
But after finishing their article, I have to say that they've actually got me thinking a reboot of the entire 'Star Wars' saga on film, wiping the slate clean, could actually be an extremely exciting prospect with the right talent behind it.
Think about it this way. There are some people who perfectly enjoy the six films series for what it is, regardless of its flaws. There are people who pretend the prequel trilogy doesn't exist and wait patiently for the original versions of Episodes IV,V & VI to be released on Blu-Ray. And there are people who feel that the prequels, with all the glaring continuity errors they bring into the later episodes, have forever tainted the entire saga. Personally, all I will say is that people can tell me 'Star Wars' is still popular but if the prequels had worked, it would still be a yearly multi-billion dollar industry. I hate to say it but that sounds like something Mr Lucas may like to see again in his lifetime.
Of course it is unlikely but all I am saying is not to eliminate the possibility that, say in ten years time, once George is out of ideas for television series, home media formats to double dip on, has tinkered with the films to the point that even he is bored and has converted them to 3D, he may be open to starting the series from scratch with a fresh batch of talent let loose and working from his basic mythology with the appropriate reverence.
Regardless of whether it happens or not, my mind is spinning about it. When 'Star Wars' works, there is nothing cooler on Earth. When 'Star Wars' is popular, there is nothing that can equal it. If a reboot was good enough to repair the damage done by the prequels, tell the complete story that the fans expected the last time out and actually make us fall back in love with the thing, it will be so glorious that I will well up with tears. Do you remember back to your first reaction to the 'Phantom Menace' trailer? Don't you wish you could feel that way again about 'Star Wars'?
In any case, hop over to Total Film's article here and see what you think.
Reader Comments (4)
I've said for years, that once the money is green enough, Lucas will revisit the franchise. Lets not forget, 20 years ago he completely dismissed the possibility of ever doing prequels. Lucas has become a businessman first and a filmmaker second. Thus, within his life time we will see another edition of Star Wars on the big screen. Whether it will be a remake or a sequel is hard to say. I tend to think we'll see the latter. But it will be something set in the distant future from ANH. That will give it enough leg room to really stretch out and establish its own continuity while also being able to exisit in that universe. Lucas can say it will never happen but Lucas is also a notorious liar. Hell, just Google "George Lucas lies," and you can find countless examples of him trying to revise history. I personally would be pumped to see it, provided Lucas takes a back seat. He is well past his prime and I honestly think he is no longer capable of making a good film. If he were a hands-off producer, it would be great to see. That said, I doubt even that will happen. I anticipate Lucas himself announcing his intentions to make a sequel as director and writer within the next two years. The technology in Avatar has him foaming at the mouth no doubt. He'll want to work with it. God help us. :(
Well sure the idea of HIM going back is nothing to get excited about but if were willing to literally hand the keys over to another creative team, finally resigned to the fact that a new Star Wars film has far more chance of making money if he is not directly involved with the project, then I could get behind it.
I see the potential of it I guess.
As do I. Don't get me wrong, I understand that there is so much potential to the universe to be explored and I would love to see a good creative team behind it. But I just can't see Lucas let the reigns go. I personally would love to see something completely self-contained. No Rebellion, no Empire. no Skywalkers. Limited use of Jedi.. Just a self contained seperate story. There is so much that can be explored.
I'll never say never, but a Star Wars saga reboot is highly unlikely. If any type of or reimagining or exploration of the Star Wars universe will most likely involve television series. Lucas is already testing television budget special effects with Clone Wars.
Of course at the end of the day, money is the driving force and anything is possible, I guess.