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    Batman: Year One being Animated?

    According to The Continuum one of the greatest batman novels ever to be released will be getting the direct to video animated treatment.

    Batman: Year One the graphic novel written by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchilli, which was also in part the basis for Chris Nolan's Batman Begins will be directed by Sam Liu, who co-directed Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.

    Could this be one of the two project Bruce Timm was unable to talk about back in April in our exclusive interview with him? There's a good possibility, but Warner Home Video has yet to confirm or deny the report. However they tend not to say anything until they've announced an official release date.

    The story is as follows:

    A young Bruce Wayne has spent his adolescence and early adulthood, traveling the world so he could hone his body and mind into the perfect fighting and investigative machine. But now as he returns to Gotham City, he must find a way to focus his passion and bring justice to his city. Retracing Batman’s first attempts to fight injustice as a costumed vigilante, we watch as he chooses a guise of a giant bat, creates an early bond with a young Lieutenant James Gordon, inadvertently plays a role in the birth of Catwoman, and helps to bring down a corrupt political system that infests Gotham.

    Reader Comments (4)

    This is one I've been waiting a while for now. This winter or next summer for release? I know Jett is saying 2012, but that seems too far away, and since I've been reading regularly here I've lost faith in bof.

    06-9-2010 | Unregistered CommenterBatmanfan

    I think maybe next guess for the release.

    This should be good. I hope they just go with Kevin Conroy for Batman. The Baldwin bro that did it was awful.

    06-9-2010 | Unregistered CommenterNoah

    Didn't they do something like this with the TAS? Should be cool either way. I agree with Noah they should get Conroy again, anda s for the release date 2012 is way to far off for an animated feature already in development I don't know where Jett is getting those numbers from.

    06-9-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

    Don't exactly care for this since Batman Begins was inspired by this story a lot and did it well. I'll probably still buy it since i'm a huge Batman fan but they should have picked a different story to animate.

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