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    Jeremy Renner to Join "The Avengers"?

    Rumors swirled last year that The Hurt Locker's Jeremy Renner was being considered for the role of Hawkeye in the big-screen adaptation of The Avengers.  Those rumors were squashed by Renner himself, who at the time was considering a role in a big-screen adaptation of Battleship instead.  (yeah, the game)

    Now Heat Vision is reporting that Renner is currently in "final negotiations" to play the Avengers superhero after all, although this information has not been confirmed by Marvel Studios.

    Clint "Hawkeye" Barton is an expert archer and marksman who originally started out a misguided villian in the Marvel universe before ultimately joining up with Iron Man and Captain America as part of the Avengers lineup of superheroes...or, as Robert Downey Jr. referred to them in Iron Man 2, a "super-secret boy band."

    According to the Heat Vision report, Renner is still interested in playing a role in Battleship (because doesn't every actor want to go right from an Oscar nomination to a movie based on a board game?).  But that film is currently mired in delays and financing issues, so he still may be able to do that once his Avengers work is completed, provided those issues have been resolved by then.

    So if this works out, it looks like our big-screen Avengers team is coming together nicely.  I'm already loving the Captain America designs posted by Mitch yesterday.

    The Avengers, directed by Joss Whedon, is scheduled to arrive in theaters on May 4, 2012. 

    Reader Comments (2)

    I actually like this. I watched The Hurt Locker again a few weeks ago and, although I hadn't heard that rumor, I did think of Renner as good choice for a B-list super hero.

    06-4-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike Shadwick

    I'm liking it too. I'd heard the rumor a few months ago and thought he had to be crazy to want to do Battleship instead. Of course the last comic I read with Hawkeye in it was the Old Man Logan series, where he's an old man, so I need to start picturing him younger again...

    06-4-2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen Mayhew

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