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    Chris Nolan talks Batman 3


    In this months Empire Magazine they were lucky enough to sit down with Chris Nolan to talk Inception, Batman 3 and everything in between.

    He of course gave his usual extremely coy non-answers regarding the fact that he is in fact directing Batman 3.

    "There is a point where you're just being precious about it and people get annoyed, but the God's honest truth is I work on one movie at a time. I'm only capable of doing that, so my head will continue to be firmly in Inception for the next few months"

    He did confirm a few things however:

    "My brother Jonathon is working on the screenplay. We came up with a story that we are very excited about. We particularly like where we are taking the characters and what the ending is... There are things for me to be very excited about in addressing the characters again. But ultimately it always comes down to the script, and can we make a great film from this? That's something I will firmly be turning my attention to figuring out fairly soon."

    When asked about the possibility of the Joker returning and being re-cast possibly pulling the strings from Arkham Nolan emphatically and unhesitatingly replies "no", and he resists elaborating simply because, quite understandably, he says, "I just don't feel comfortable talking about it."

    I think at this point its obvious to say that Nolan's directing the third and final installment in his Batman trilogy. But what isn't certain is who will be cast and what villains will appear. We've heard everything from Catwoman to the Riddler and even the penguin (despite Nolan stating he has no plans to use the character) along with potential stars rumored for the role's. I doubt we'll here anything concrete until at least Comic Con this July.

    Check back to TMT as we'll be covering this rigorously over the next two years.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I love the amount of complete non-news you seem to be reporting. Even the most moronis of fanboys, even Nolans own. Can not seriously be in any way excited for this recycled as fuck news. Please...come on now.

    06-7-2010 | Unregistered CommenterSly

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