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"The Losers" Trailer

I've never read the books but the impression this entertaining trailer gives me is that of "What if Tarantino made The A Team!?" The action is over the top, the grimy feel of the trailer is a bit on the grindhouse/exploitation vibe side, and oh.....Zoe Saldana looks very nice.

It looks like your standard story of a betrayed team of special forces guys who get a shot at covert redemption through a government agent, that just happens to need their particular brand of skills and who is also hot so she can have a fling with the leader of the team.

Interesting side note, this movie is directed by the guy (Sylvain White) that did "Stomp the Yard"...Just goes to show, never judge a director by his cheesy teen dance movie!

It opens April 9th so it's aiming for that "Fast and the Furious" Pre-summer blockbuster money, and if the film lives up to the trailer it will get it.

Reader Comments (1)

That looks fun as hell

01-29-2010 | Registered CommenterMichael Martinez

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