Captain America Auditions

It has been a lenghty absence for me. But, it feels good to be back at TMT. For my re-debut, I've been juggling over what to write an
article about. Each day brings us new news items on projects of various interest. In deciding, I went with a great lovbe of mine, and many of our loyal TMT readers. Superhero movies. I will focus on one movie in particular which is getting underway as I write this article. Captain America! As I am sure our eagle-eyed readers have deduced by now, thanks to the picture accompanying this article.
Thanks to Twitter, and love it, hate it, or don't give a rats patoot, it gets us information out fast, we know that Captain America auditions are currently going on. Thank you Rick Malambri. Because of Mr Malambri's tweet, which was subsequently deleted it tells us a couple of thngs. One, that the aforementioned Captain America auditions are underway, and secondly that Joe Johnston, the man who will helm The First Avenger as it will be called is searching far and wide for the right man to wield the star-spangled shield, and inevitably lead The Avengers. In laymans terms, he wont just be picking from a select group of marketable names.
While it was initially Mr Malambri who set the geek world ablaze, there have been a couple others, who've voiced their desire to portray the good Captain. One notably, is Robert Buckley. His name might not seem familiar, but you likely have seen his face before. He's been on several tV shows, including One Tree Hill, Priveleged, and Lipstick Jungle.

Thanks to Twitter, and love it, hate it, or don't give a rats patoot, it gets us information out fast, we know that Captain America auditions are currently going on. Thank you Rick Malambri. Because of Mr Malambri's tweet, which was subsequently deleted it tells us a couple of thngs. One, that the aforementioned Captain America auditions are underway, and secondly that Joe Johnston, the man who will helm The First Avenger as it will be called is searching far and wide for the right man to wield the star-spangled shield, and inevitably lead The Avengers. In laymans terms, he wont just be picking from a select group of marketable names.
While it was initially Mr Malambri who set the geek world ablaze, there have been a couple others, who've voiced their desire to portray the good Captain. One notably, is Robert Buckley. His name might not seem familiar, but you likely have seen his face before. He's been on several tV shows, including One Tree Hill, Priveleged, and Lipstick Jungle.

He's a good actor from what I have seen, possesses that handsome look our superheroes need, and is already in "Captain America" shape, as any google search will clearly show you. Best of all, he is one of us. A comic geek. How could you not root for a man who not only wants to be Captain America, looks the part, and has read Watchmen and Fables?
I think I've found my Captain America. So, what do you think true believers? Now, let the universe howl in despair for I have returned! (Kudos to any who realize where I stole that last line from. For those interested, my next article will be about a certain Avian Avenegr that none but me seem to take all too seriously.
Looking forward to some comments, and I'll be writing agin very soon. Hope to entertain and hopefully bring some exclusive new salong the way.
Reader Comments (2)
He's solid on One Tree Hill. I can see this guy as Captain.
Great Article. I was hoping to hear something new in regards to Cap soon.