Indy 5 Has a Story According to Harrison Ford

I’m not going to spend this article (or 80-90% of it) talking about how Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was a colossal disappointment for most people. Nor will I point that it’s monster box-office was mostly attributed to nostalgia and everyone’s desire to that character again - regardless of quality storytelling.
Now I could say that audiences might sit the next Indiana Jones film out were it to happen. But we all know I'd be dead-wrong on that one.
No, I’ll just nicely report that Harrison Ford is following George Lucas and Shia LaBeouf in the “Oh, a fifth movie might happen after all” quote department. He revealed recently to France’s Le Figaro (via People) that Indiana Jones & the Search for Some Supernatural Bullshit looks to be moving forward after they (Spielberg, Lucas and him) agreed to a story that Lucas is “actively at work” on. If he likes the script, then he’s “very happy to put the costume on again.”
With all due respect, what I think he meant to say was, “If I get paid as much as I did last time, then ‘Fuck yeah!’ I’m coming back.”
Also no word if Mrs. Henry Jones Jr. (Karen Allen) or Spielberg's Golden Boy (LaBeouf) are planning to return.
UPDATE: Speaking of Marion Ravenwood Jones, Brendon Connelly of /film has a fairly-recent video clip up of Karen Allen from the 2009 Dragon Con. Allen claims that a "friend" in Los Angeles told her that Indiana Jones 5 had been officially announced (...the fuck?) for a Summer 2012 release. See for yourself.
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