Chris Evans Confirms Non-Participation in Fantastic Four Reboot

I’ve always gotten the impression that Chris Evans didn’t care for the Fantastic Four films. But no matter how bad they were, that franchise opened doors for him that weren’t there before. So he keeps his thoughts on the final product to himself because he realizes what they’ve done for him. And that is the reason why I like the guy and hate some ungrateful bitch like Megan Fox or Katherine Heigl. AKA the “biting the hand that feeds you” mentality.
But it feels like said series is also keeping him from breaking out as a bona fide movie-star. That or his agent sucks. Either one. Seriously, the guy has genuine charisma on screen and would be better suited to headline Paramount’s (eventual) Jack Ryan reboot instead of being stuck in crap like Push. Then again The Losers could be good and he is in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
And now with 20th Century Fox commencing on a reboot of the FF franchise, nerds across the Internet can’t help but wonder if Evans (without question the only good thing to come from said films in addition to Michael Chiklis’ Ben Grimm) could possibly retain the role of Johnny “Human Torch” Storm.
Cinematical had a brief chat with Evans on the matter who confirms that he's won't be "flaming on" (OK, I actually wasn't trying to make a tasteless joke there!) anytime soon:
"I don't think I'm going to be involved in it. I would imagine a reboot would be -- a reboot! I think they're going to start from scratch and that's the way those movies go.”
If any studio were to reboot a franchise but still keep some of their lead actors, it'd be Fox.
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