Will Peter Parker Be Changing Spider-Diapers?

I know that Sam Raimi said he loved Superman Returns. But it's safe to say no one thought he'd head in a direction not unlike Bryan Singer did with the Man of Steel. And we all know how overwhelmingly positive that movie was received by everyone.
SpoilerTV has apprehended a casting notice for Spider-Man 4 with the following name and description:
2 or 3 year old boy to play 2 year old, Caucasian with RED HAIR, an adorable toddler with an engaging personality, on set experience preferred. IDENTICAL TWINS ONLY
Well, this would definitely advance Peter Parker since we last saw him at the end of Spider-Man 3. It would also make some sense when the trades stated that James Vanderbilt's Spider-Man 5 and 6 screenplays could be used as reboots to the franchises. Ending on Spider-Man swinging his little one to Superhero Daycare would be hard to avoid to a sequel.
That said, I would list this under "Rumor" for the time being. But I wouldn't put it past Raimi to do this for his swan-song from the series.
Reader Comments (4)
If it's anything to do with Petey, it'll be an epilogue from the "future."
The son becomes the father...
Jamie, part of your assumption baffles me. Just because there is a call out for two tykes does not mean Son of Spidey and/or MJ (even if Red is highlighted) However, that other part- rumor- is more than likely. How do we call BS on this ? Simple. It's right there:
"2-3 yr old boy to play 2 yr old...on set experience preferred."
Think about it. They had to be acting while still in the crib, perhaps even in mother's womb. How much on set experience can a 2 yr old get?
As with Superman, I wouldn't really mind seeing a son (though wouldn't a daughter make more sense for Spidey/MJ?), as long as it is the END of the story. I don't mind seeing an epilogue showing the Pete and MJ live "happily ever after" complete with little tyke.
If SR had been intended to be the final chapter of the Reeve Superman franchise, then having the kid would be no problem (though I would've preferred a more "traditional" route). However, it was quite clear that this was supposed to be the beginning of a new story, so the kid made no sense at all.
We'll see how it plays out, I guess.