Movie Moan - The Winter 2013 Box Office Results Spectacular

What do I need to say?
Let battle commence one more time as Phil, Jamie, and 'The Knowledge' Mr Shawn Robbins of look back on their, sometimes wildly inaccurate, box office predictions for the Winter movies of 2013 and see who emerges as the victory.
And let me tell you folks at home who played along and submitted your own predictions, there has never been a closer battle between you lot.
So join us over the next three hours to see who is right, who is dead, and who has won a copy of 'Batman The Movie' (1966) on DVD with the really inappropriate TDK inspired cover.
Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here:

Reader Comments (5)
Congrats to Gopher! (And Jamie). Wow, you weren't kidding when you said how close it was. It's 2:15 a.m. now that I've finally finished listening to the show so I'll save my detailed thoughts for another time but just one message to Shawn: listen to Gabe Toro's review/rant of Walter Mitty, it is probably far more entertaining than the movie itself will ever be.
You stayed up late just to listen to us all the way through? That blows my mind. Thank you!
@Phil, I confess, I listen to most all the podcasts late at night anyway; my living situation is complicated so I don't get much time to myself at home. And I may have fast forwarded a few of the discussions about movies I don't care about (Thor), but yes, I usually listen late at night (or re-listen to my favorite episodes to wind down).
Argh! So close!!
I can't help but think that both BANKS and MITTY are victims of too much competition. Release both of them in February, and they probably double their gross.
Onward to Summer 2014!
OMG! Phil you're not alone I also thought American Hustle was boring as hell! I enjoyed David O Russell's last 2 films! Anyway congrats to Gopher! I knew I wasn't gonna win. I'm not good at prediction Winter releases. I'm surprised I was very close to winning.