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« Movie Moan's Summer 2014 Box Office Predictions Special | Main | Movie Moan - The Winter 2013 Box Office Results Spectacular »

Movie Moan - The Final Chapter

To steal a line from that song in 'Muppets Christmas Carol', the time has come for us to say goodbye. After 7 years of consistent podcasting, Phil Gee and Jamie Williams finally shake hands on a job well done, look back on a rather impressive body of work, and thank you, the listeners, for being with us every step of the way.

On tonight's jam packed episode, we are joined by the astounding line-up of Jen Mayhew, Edward Douglas, Spencer Perry, Randall Maynard, and Matt Thompson. Plus, there's a special appearance by producer and director Roger Lay Jr. for an in-depth 80 minute interview with Phil as we discuss blu rays, the future of television, Captain Power, Star Trek, and the film I want to see more than any other; his documentary 'Toymasters'.

Meanwhile, the gang give their impressions on 'Guardians Of The Galaxy week' and all the goodies that Marvel unleashed on us from their biggest gamble. We discuss the validity of 'The Second Lego Movie' as it will no doubt be called. Ed gives us his early review for two of March's biggest blockbusters 'Need For Speed' and '300: Rise Of An Empire', and we answer the questions that you sent in for us (not to mention some of our own).

Finally, we've broken new ground by doing something no other podcast has ever done. We've gotten our hands on the script for the aborted George Miller directed film 'Justice League: Mortal', taken a ten page excerpt and.........WE ACT IT OUT, LIVE ON THE SHOW. Trust us folks, you have no idea how lucky we are that this thing didn't get made.

We've thrown everything we can into this final, 4 hour plus episode to make it our best show ever and we hope you agree.

And it's your last chance to say goodbye to us. If you've ever gotten any enjoyment out of our work then please let us know in the comments section below so we can say goodbye to each of you in person. Until next time...

Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here:

Reader Comments (11)

Good podcast guys, it shames me that you have to take a hiatus from podcasting. I look forward to whatever permutation of the show you have a year from now. Take care, Phil & Jamie.

02-27-2014 | Unregistered CommenterCecil Hester

Well, it's been a great 4 and half years of listening to you guys and I'm almost about to cry here! There were great times and there were not so great times but I respected everyone who has been apart of the show even if I didn't agree with some of the opinions. Yes especially Jamie! I may not agree with a lot of the things he's said but my goodness he's one of the most intelligent people I've met on the internet!

The Justice League Immortals bit was funny as hell and I can't believe that script was gonna go into production.

I'm with you Phil about the Inspector Gadget movie! Also about the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. The potential was there! So frustrating!

The way how you guys meet on the internet is a very cool story. It's crazy how you meet people on the internet. I've met a lot of cool people on the internet and not so cool people but it's been a hell of a run for me as well. Thank you for giving me good luck for the show. It's still not as good as I want it to be but it's still not too late to grow. But you guys are getting a shout out from me when I do my show this week. I hope old school Movie Moan fans can come and say goodbye. Like Welshfilmbuff and Lighthouse!

So goodbye guys, good luck and when you guys come back I'll be still here! :)

02-27-2014 | Unregistered CommenterA2theH

Really dug the show guys. Sad to see you call it a day. Thanks for the countless hours listening when I should have been studying.

02-27-2014 | Unregistered CommenterSmitty

So sad:( It's a great show (I'm about halfway through) but also a very, very sad one:( Take care guys, and I'm hoping to see/hear all kinds of special content from you in the future:) Just put those up in a nice gradual manner to have something to tide us over until Movie Moan officially returns!:) Just one question: are all the old shows from the very beginning up to this point available in an audio format from this site? I know every video content (Blip and YouTube) has been deleted so those are out of the question but I'd like to listen to older shows (the ones I haven't heard and even the ones I've heard but were so great they are worth relistening to) just to have some entertainment for this year:)

02-27-2014 | Unregistered Commenteroscillator

A wonderful finale! That script read-through was delightfully ridiculous, and it inspired me to track down a copy of that screenplay to see if the rest of it is as awful as the passage you guys performed. I suspect it is.

I want to thank you, Phil, and Jamie, and all of the usual suspects who have appeared on the show. I want to thank you for the hundreds of hours of unbridled energy, enthusiasm, and thoughtful dissection of all things movie-related. You guys have been a weekly fixture amongst my podcast roster, and no other show comes close to the warm, “We’re all friends here!” atmosphere that Movie Moan excels at. It’s been a treat to listen in on everything you’ve done over the last few years.

Again, I say thank you! I can’t wait for the box office prediction shows and whatever other special content you’ve got up your sleeves! Until then, it’s been a real pleasure.

02-27-2014 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Blake

@ Cecil

Thank you very much sir.


Do you think our podcast was the best it could be when we started? Far from it. And it may be a long road to get it exactly where you want it to be but I'm glad that you have your own standards and are going to be pushing for that. Best of luck.

@ Smitty

Ah, no excuses anymore. I want straight A's from you from now on ;)

@ Oscillator

Well I'm pretty sure that everything that still exists (and trust me that's a lot of content) is available on the site still. There are 35 pages worth of shows on the Movie Moan tab and there are also a lot of shows to listen to in the Archives section as well. If there is anything you're trying to find but can't, or a link that's not working, just let me know in this comments section. I'll keep an eye on it.

@ Brett

And I want to thank you for always going the extra mile to leave a thoughtful comment on our shows. Our shows actually wouldn't be the same without a Brett Blake comment.

02-27-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Gee

Don't worry about not getting Gabe or Justin for the show, I knew it was a long shot, thanks anyway for trying! And you included my favorite Justin quote in the beginning so it's all good. :) (I've had a very long week and it's very late so I won't be able to listen to the whole show tonight but thanks so much for brightening my days and I hope your old shows stay up in audio form so I can keep listening to the Supergirl show and the Hobbit 1 review show which are my favorites). Looking forward to the next box office predictions show already!

02-28-2014 | Unregistered Commentershelly

this show was the greatest, why? because its the last one? almost, but no, because of the interview? no, great interview tho, because its an exhausting 4 hrs...? no, its because you referenced Perfect Strangers! I thought I'd made that up in my head, next you'll be talking about Small Wonder. Great show guys, I havent even finished it yet, still an hr to go, but I heard my question read out just now so I wanted to write stuff (sorry it was a crap question, what I SHOULD have said was, what did you think of the Matrix movies and have you heard the two alternative commentaries with philosophers and movies reviewers? And will either of you ever be on AMC movie talk? damn my sporadic attacks of inspiration).

like I said b4 I first found you pretty much just as you met with the man of steel podcast and was totally won over by you comadre, so rare to see genuine effection in people that isnt laughed at or too sentimental. Also the fact the you Phil introduced Black Lace to America, you deserve a knighthood for that. Which leads me to some of the music you've introduced me to, asian spiderman, the marvel marching society, speed of light satriani, the orchestral theme to terrahawks all AMAZING, although on a side note, comparing the marvel theme tune to that justice league abomination you played on this show, proves that marvel have always been one step ahead (batman not withstanding), there so much more I could say but I have scnepp, campea, darling, mova and amirose buy and selling like hippy bankers so I'll leave it for now. I think you guys taking a break although sad is a great thing, go away take a break miss it and come back, you can pull your pants up now, I'm getting chapped lips from all this ass kissing. Shame Gabe couldnt be on to get one more kick into snyder and MOS :)


02-28-2014 | Unregistered CommenterZeeke

@ Shelly

Yes, I remember you saying how much you enjoyed Justin's line about the bridge. I put that in there for you. I'm happy that you're happy. Whatever life throws at you, if we're your tonic then just keep listening. I had my own equivalent back in the day. I know how important these things can be. We will be back to give you, personally, more entertainment. And we will certainly finish our own Hobbit trilogy at Christmas. Hopefully, it will be the best of the three (our show and the film).

@ Zeeke

Yes, I enjoyed both those Matrix commentaries actually. The one with the critics has a lot of dead air though. I guess I can't blame them by the time they get to Revolutions. What is there to say?

I never thought about comparing the theme tunes but I guess you have a point. Even when DC and Marvel are trying to be terrible and kitsch, Marvel wins out. So sad. Thank you so much for listening.

03-1-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Gee

New time listener here! I first got wind of your podcast last summer, when wanting to listen to a Superman Returns retrospective before seeing Man of Steel. I'm so glad that yours was the first result that appeared! Your knowledge and deep fondness for what you are talking about, in addition to the atmosphere between you as you host, and your humour charmed me to your show immediately. Needless to say, I was hooked and quickly proceeded to listen to the entire Supermoan series. I have been a regular listener since, and was heartbroken when I thought you were quitting forever, just as I discovered your podcast. Thankfully, as I would realise, you will be back eventually, and I can't wait for you to continue your Supermoan series with retrospective shows about the various television incarnations of Superman. I especially hope that Lois & Clark will not be overlooked ;)

Take care!

03-2-2014 | Unregistered CommenterArcher

The Final Movie Moan! I was finally able to listen to this! I was trying to wait until I could listen to the whole thing in one sitting. it didn't work too well, but so be it. Great job on all of these episodes and I look forward to seeing what comes next for you. I wish the very best to you all and thank you for so many great shows!

03-19-2014 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

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