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    Movie Moan - DON'T PANIC

    That was a test of the Movie Moan Emergency Broadcast System.  You may now resume your daily lives.  Jamie Williams is back.......and he's not alone.

    Also joining us this week is a new member of the Movie Moan family, the absolutely delightful Elisabeth Rappe, writer for & CHUD.

    This week, Phil reviews the latest charming fantasy comedy romance from Richard Curtis; 'About Time'.  We discuss the psychological justification required to make the new Batman work on the big screen, Hiddleston and Cumberbatch worshippers, Sophie's Choice Part II, and finally letting go of 'Star Trek Into Darkness'.  Plus, Jamie and Phil duel over the pros and cons of the 'Robocop' remake trailer, and come to a final verdict on the debate that has kept them at odds for a lifetime; is Grandpa Joe a loving parent and guardian or a lazy ass bum?

    Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here:

    Reader Comments (4)

    That was a blast, guys, and Elisabeth Rappe made a nice addition to the line-up. Love your idea, Phil, of getting Nicholson back to voice the Joker in a re-mastered/re-vamped BATMAN '89 video game.

    09-11-2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Blake

    Rappe was a great new addition. Hope she returns.

    09-11-2013 | Unregistered CommenterErik R

    This was a fantastic episode! You guys should find a way to get Elisabeth back often. The dynamic worked very well.

    Also was McWeeny the unprofessional Tweeter? (Apples don't fall far from the AICN tree.)

    09-13-2013 | Unregistered CommenterSlate Fistcrunch

    Your Grandpa Joe debate cracks me up every time I listen to it and I've already listened to it about 10 times by now.

    09-14-2013 | Unregistered Commentershelly

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