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    Movie Moan: Captain America - The Great Satan

    According to Queen Kristina's sources, that's the title being used for some of the international markets on Captain America. Hmm, sounds about right.

    Speaking of the Devil's work, Jamie has committed blasphemy and actually walked out of a Pixar movie...only to return after 20 minutes. Here's what is on this week's menu:

    3 mins - Jamie's Cars 2 review.

    13:20 mins - Please rise for our national anthem - the new Captain America trailer.

    21:30 mins - We play the common sense police over the supposed theory that Warner Bros. will make Green Lantern 2.

    26:20 mins - The new Rise of the Planet of the Apes trailer that was...surprisingly great

    30:10 mins - The British Gentleman Agent lets it all out over the news of I, Claudius being remade.

    42:20 mins - The "Moan of the Week" with Kristina's pick – the underrated, but very charming Stardust from director Matthew Vaughn.

    The audio version for you iPod Shuffle packin' folk is below but don't miss all the visual treats you'll get in our video version above.

    Movie Moan - Captain America -The Great Satan

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