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    Entries by John DiNicola (489)


    Darren Aronofsky To Study 'Human Nature'

    Since dropping out of directing The Wolverine some months ago (get my take on that whole situation here), it looks like Darren Aronofsky may have found his next project: Human Nature.

    Vulture reports Aronofsky has his sights set on making this fifteen-year old original sci-fi spec his next feature film.  The story is said to revolve around a man who is cryogenically frozen and wakes up years later to find human beings have become pets of another species.

    The script is by an unknown screenwriter named Jeff Welch (but hey, it's gotta be good if Aronofsky wants to do it) as well as having George Clooney attached to star (we'll see if that works out).

    Word is that Warner Bros.-based producer Akiva Goldsman (I Am Legend) is currently budgeting the movie with an aim to make this Aronofksy's next picture.

    I'm all for anything Aronofsky chooses to do, but ideally, get someone else to star besides George Clooney.  No matter what any critic or moviegoer says, the guy can only play one role: George Clooney.

    Quick example:

    From Dusk Till Dawn - George Clooney with an attitude.

    ER - George Clooney as a Doctor.

    Syriana - George Clooeny fat and with a beard.

    Up in the Air - George Clooney flying around.

    The Perfect Storm - George Clooney with a Boston accent.

    Ocean films - Pretty sure that was just George Clooney being George Clooney.

    Maybe Aronofsky will get Viggo Mortensen instead.  Now that would be great.


    'Mortal Kombat: Legacy' - Episode 4

    Well this one was kind of shit.

    Not that I didn't appreciate the backstory they tried to do for the characters of Kitana & Mileena, I just felt they executed poorly.  Maybe it was the low budget they had to work with which left them animating a few scenes.  Anyway, hopefully next week's Part 2 is an improvement.  Check it out below:


    Oscorp Will Be in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'

    Well even though there's been absolutely no mention of Harry or Norman Osborn appearing in next summer's reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, pictures surfaced over the weekend from the film's set in New York all but confirming Oscorp (Norman Osborn's company) will at least appear in the film.

    I expect this to be similar to the tease of S.H.I.E.L.D in Iron Man.  It's mentioned, somewhat prominent, but really doesn't have much affect on the story.  Just build up for the ever impending sequel.

    Take a look below:

    Thanks to JustJared and SuperHeroHype.

    Starring Garfield, Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans, The Amazing Spider-Man is slated for a July 3rd, 2012 release.


    New 'Captain America' Photo and Interview with Chris Evans

    MTV has debuted a new photo from Captain America: The First Avenger featuring Steve Rogers suited up and sheilding some bullets.  Looks pretty good.

    MTV also chatted with Evans about how his character transitions to The Avengers film and what character from the Marvel universe he's most looking forward to dealing with.  There are some minor spoilers so if you want to know nothing about the film, don't watch the video below:


    'Mortal Kombat: Legacy' - Episode 3

    Continuing with their weekly release, the 3rd episode of Kevin Tancharoen's Mortal Kombat: Legacy has debuted online.  This one features the character of Johnny Cage and his well-known arc of being a underappreciated action-star.

    While I thought this was the best episode yet, I was a little bothered that they blanked out the cursing.  Isn't this suppose to be a hard R-rated Mortal Kombat?  Maybe they're saving it for the feature film.  Anyway, here's the new episode:


    Vera Farmiga Joins 'Safe House'

    Vera Farmiga has joined the Daniel Espinosa directed, Safe House, starring Denzel Washginton and Ryan Reynolds.

    TOLDJA! reports Farmiga will play a CIA operative who is supervising Reynolds character, a federal agent, who must escort a dangerous criminal (Washington) to safety after they are attacked at a safe house.

    The film also stars Nora Arnezeder, Ruben Blades, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Cunningham, Tim McGraw, Robert Patrick, and Sam Shepard.

    Filming is already well underway in South Africa as it's set for release February 10th, 2012.


    Jeremy Renner to Star in 'The Bourne Legacy'

    The search is over.

    Jeremy Renner is set to topline The Bourne Legacy as TOLDJA! reports Universal has officially offered the actor the lead role and that Renner is expected to accept fairly quickly.

    The actor beat out the likes of Joel Edgerton (The Thing), Dominic Cooper (The Devil's Double), Garrett Hedlund (Tron: Legacy) and Luke Evans (The Amateur American) who had tested in recent weeks.

    This comes as no surprise to many as Latino Review reported earlier this month that Renner was Universal's top choice after writer/director Tony Gilory wanted to go with actor Oscar Issac (Robin Hood) but the studio felt he was not bankable enough to carry the franchise.

    The Bourne Legacy will exist in the world set up in the previous three films starring Matt Damon, although the character of Jason Bourne will not appear at all.  Renner will play a new, government trained assassin, who comes from a program even more dangerous than Treadstone, which hatched Bourne.

    Renner is definitely on a role lately with landing big roles as he is set to play Clint Barton/Hawkeye in The Avengers, due out next July, will co-star with Tom Cruise in the upcoming Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, and recently filmed Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters with Gemma Arterton.

    The Bourne Legacy is set to start filming this September for an August 3rd, 2012 release date.


    'Mortal Kombat: Legacy' - Episode 2

    The second episode of director Kevin Tancharoen's Mortal Kombat: Legacy has been released online. 

    While I'll admit I was a bit letdown by the first episode compared to last year's short film, Mortal Kombat: Rebirth, this one definitely is an improvement.  Plus you gotta remember, this is a nine-part series, they ain't gonna throw all their eggs into one basket. 

    Anyway, next week's episode should focus on another character from the Mortal Kombat universe, possibly Scorpion or Sub-Zero, as we've been given images of them over the past few weeks.  Funny though that nothing has been reported on Liu Kang or Shang Tsung.

    Maybe they're saving the best for last.


    Thomas Jane Joins Sylvester Stallone in 'Headshot'

    Now this is great fucking news.

    JoBlo is reporting Thomas Jane has joined Sylvester Stallone in Walter's Hill's Headshot.  The news comes straight from the horse's mouth himself, Thomas Jane, as he confirmed the news via podcast, stating "the script is fantastic" (with Walter Hill doing current rewrites), and that they start filming next month in New Orleans.

    For those who don't know, Headshot tells the story of a New Orleans hitman (Stallone) who teams with an NYPD detective (Jane), as they are brought together by two vicious murders. The two proceed to take on all who stand in their way.

    I've been waiting to see Jane return to the action genre since his turn in 2004's underappreciated, The Punisher, and this seems like the perfect fit for him by teaming with Stallone.  Not to mention, with a guy like Walter Hill (48 Hours, Red Heat) replacing original director Wayne Kramer (Running Scared) after "creative differences" with Stallone, this looks like its gonna be a good old-fashioned action-drama.


    'Man of Steel' Officially Going to West Africa?

    Last year, news broke of a possible synopsis of what the Christopher Nolan-produced, Zack Snyder-directed Superman reboot, Man of Steel, could be about:

    The plot involves Clark getting involved in some sort of battle between two tribes in West Africa.  When he is compelled to use his secret powers to intervene in a crisis in West Africa, Clark returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and the hero he was born to be.

    While the plot was never officially confirmed, many either dismissed it as bogus, took it with a grain of salt, or just simply forgot about it.

    Turns out, there may in fact be some meat to the story.

    Baseline Studio System, a site that lists verified entertainment information for the industry, recently listed this synopsis for Man of Steel, via Bleeding Cool:

    A young reporter named Clark Kent roams the world covering various news stories. When he is compelled to use his secret powers to intervene in a crisis in West Africa, he returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and the hero he was born to be.

    There certainly seems to be some weight to this story as this would mesh with this film's "re-imagination" of Superman in ignoring the Richard Donner influenced series.  I think it would make for a hell of dynamic for a comic book film to actually deal with a reality based issue, much like Iron Man involved the war in Afghanistan.  I just hope Zack Snyder shoots it legit like his producer Chris Nolan would and go to West Africa or a similar looking area, and not just blue screen the whole thing.

    Also to add, with the news recently that this film will tell Superman's origins from birth, to Krypton, to Smallville, to now West Africa along with General Zod, this sounds like a heck of a long movie.  Three-hour epic anyone?

    Hopefully Warner Bros. releases an official synopsis soon to end all this speculation.

    Man of Steel, starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Diane Lane, and Kevin Costner, is set to be released December 2012.

    Somewhat off topic, if anyone hasn't seen this new Smallville promo for its 2-hour series finale on May 13th, here it is.  I watched this show back in middle school when it debuted October 16th, 2001, and seeing this just gave me goosebumps.  See for yourself: