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    Entries by John DiNicola (489)


    Thoughts on New 'Rocky' Spinoff Film, 'Creed'

    I think I can speak for every Rocky fan known to man that when they woke up this morning, the last thing they expected to hear about was a new Rocky film, more so, a Rocky 'spinoff' film.

    Though here we are, roughly 6 1/2 years since the release of what was thought to be the last Rocky movie, Rocky Balboa, and we get an announcement that a new one is in the works.  A film (to be appropriately titled, Creed) that will center on the grandson of Rocky's most famous foe turned best friend, Apollo Creed.

    As a die-hard Rocky fan who has seen every film in the series numerous times (even Rocky V), I have to say, I can't help but be both a little annoyed and intrigued at the same time.

    Annoyed mostly because I felt 2006's Rocky Balboa was a wonderful ending for the character that made Sylvester Stallone a legend.  It wrapped up Rocky's life perfectly and left you with a good, satisfied feeling at the end that you had seen the last of the Italian Stallion.

    However, I must say I am intrigued at the prospect of this new film as well because - for the first time in the Rocky series - Rocky will not be the lead character, but a supporting one.

    Fruitvale Station director, Ryan Coogler (who has earned critical acclaim for his debut film), had this 'dream project' of telling the story of Apollo Creed's grandson (to be played by Michael B. Jordan), a young man who grew up in a wealthy household due to his grandfather's boxing accomplishments, yet was forbidden to partake in the sport himself by his family even though he possesses raw, natural talent.

    It is only when he finally decides go against his family's wishes and give boxing a chance that he seeks out a trainer in the form of a man that not only fought his famous grandfather, but was best friend's with him as well: Rocky Balboa.

    The fact that this project got the 'OK' from not only Sly himself, but those over at MGM and the original Rocky producers - Irwin Winkler and Robert Chartoff - makes me think they must feel this is a worthy story to bring back the world of Rocky Balboa.

    I also like the fact that they will reportedly touch on both Apollo Creed's famous fights with Rocky as well as his fatal bout with Ivan Drago; a nostalgic ploy to tell the story then bring it forward to the present day.

    It would be great to see if we can catch up with Rocky's life post-Rocky Balboa such as how his restaurant, Adrian's, is doing, his son (played by Milo Ventimiglia) and what looked to be his new love, Marie (Geraldine Hughes) along with her son, Steps (James Francis Kelly III).  Oh and how can we forget good ol' Paulie (Burt Young)!

    So to wrap things up, while I understand why many authentic Rocky fans might feel this is a slap in the face to the series, give it a chance.  It has passionate talent both behind and in-front of the camera as well as approval from every man involved in making the original film that won a Best Picture Oscar.

    Now who wants to bet Rock slaps back on those gloves just one more time?


    First Draft of Screenplay for 'Terminator' Reboot Complete 

    Though I wouldn't consider this 'news', this little tidbit of information came out this past weekend, but was obviously overshadowed by Comic-Con.

    Terminator franchise rights holder and producer, Megan Ellison, sent out this tweet last Friday:

    While I think it's great that we actually have a completed script for this new Terminator film, why are we just getting the first draft now when the film already has a release date of June 26, 2015?

    So they set the release date without a completed 'first draft' - which is likely to be followed by who knows how many re-writes - along with not even having a director attached to the project yet?

    This is why Hollywood churns out bad movies!

    Doesn't it make more sense from a quality standpoint to actually have a director on-board, along with a completed, fully-approved script, and then set a release date?  Or do we really go by that old famous saying, "Hollywood doesn't make movies anymore, they make release dates."

    I'm actually rather surprised by this news considering Ms. Megan Ellison (who owns her own production company, Annapurna Pictures) purchased these franchise rights well over a year and half ago. She's now just getting the 'first draft'?  What the heck has she been doing all this time?  I thought this woman was all about making quality films, and keeping that typical Hollywood BS away?  Now we're just getting more of the same for a franchise that has been kicked in the balls more times than Arnold Schwarzenegger's been unfaithful.

    Yes, I understand that originally certain 'unknown' writers were brought in to work on a screenplay which was deemed to be going 'in the wrong direction' and then a new screenwriting duo of Patrick Lussier (Drive Angry) and Laeta Kalogridis (Shutter Island) came in to start from scratch.  They obviously just finished their screenplay, which again, is great.  But why did it take so long to get to this point?

    Does it have to do with the fact that Ellison has to share the production duties of this film with her brother, David (also owns his own production company, Skydance Productions), as well as Paramount Pictures?  Was she not able to come up with a good enough story to do the franchise justice so she had to bring in the team that's given us such gems as G.I. Joe: Retaliation and World War Z?  You know what those films are?  Anywhere from lackluster to average, at best.

    At least now we can expect a director to be brought on as I bet they were waiting on a completed script to start shopping it around to big-name talent.  Maybe that's why it's only a first draft?  To give the new director the ability to re-write as they see fit, even though a less than two year release date is hanging over their head?

    I don't know, I just do not like where this project has been going.

    Hopefully they land a solid director that actually inspires some confidence or else this thing is going to go downhill real quick.

    Source: Twitter


    A Reaction to Yesterday's Announcement that 'Man of Steel 2' Will Feature Batman

    I cited the title of this article to specifically feature Man of Steel 2 because I think that's the one fact many are overlooking:

    This is not Batman vs Superman or Superman vs Batman or World's Finest.  This is a sequel to Man of Steel that will feature Batman.  Just like the sequel to Batman Begins featured the Joker.

    What does this all mean exactly?  Well, let's look at the facts of what we KNOW then we can get into what we think we MIGHT know.

    First off, every main cast member from Man of Steel that was living by the end of the film will be back as their respective characters including, Henry Cavill (Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Diane Lane (Martha Kent) , and Lawrence Fishburne (Perry White).

    Secondly, the main crew behind MOS will be returning as well, though some will be in a somewhat different capacity.

    Director Zack Snyder will be back at the helm along with co-writing the story this time, while writer David S. Goyer will be penning the screenplay just as before.  Christopher Nolan, on the other hand, will be merely executive producing this time (along with his wife, Emma Thomas) instead of co-writing the story and full-on producing the pic.  Producers Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder (Zack's wife) will be back in the same capacity as well.

    Thirdly, the film is expected to begin production next year with an anticipated release date of summer 2015 (they'll complete pre-production by the end of this year).

    Finally - and most importantly - Batman has NOT been cast yet.

    Now that we've covered what we do know, let's discuss what we don't.

    • Christian Bale will be back as Batman.

    Possibly, but unlikely.  The dude has sworn up and down he's finished with the character, and even though I'm sure they offered him a ton of cash, I find it hard to believe he'll go against Christopher Nolan's wishes and somehow mar The Dark Knight Trilogy.

    • Man of Steel 2 will be similar to the graphic novel, The Dark Knight Returns

    No clue in regards to this.  Yes, Zack Snyder used this famous quote from the graphic novel to make the announcement:

    "I want you to remember, Clark. In all the years to come. In all your most private moments. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."

    However, he stated later on they won't be using this story exactly (thought it's pretty safe to assume Batman at some point in the film will discover Kryptonite and use it to kick Superman's ass).

    • Lex Luthor will be in the film

    While this hasn't been officially confirmed either, I think this is more of a sure bet then say, Bale coming back as Batman.  Lex Luthor is a fixture in the Superman universe and I'd be pretty shocked if he isn't in the MOS follow-up considering Lex Corp logos were plastered all over the first film.

    So yeah, this pretty much sums up the facts and theories of yesterday's big announcement that we will finally be getting Batman and Superman on screen together.  I'll leave you too with my guess on who will be playing Bruce Wayne/Batman in the new film:

    That's right, Jake Gyllenhaal.  He was David Goyer's first choice and runner-up for Batman Begins (fact), he's got that Oscar pedegree Warner Bros. loves and he's a great f*cking actor.

    Stay tuned.


    First Image from 'I, Frankenstein' Starring Aaron Eckhart

    We have our first look at Aaron Eckhart in Stuart Beattie's adaptation of the graphic novel, I, Frankenstein, and to be honest, this really isn't what many were expecting from a film with 'Frankenstein' in the title:

    A buff, shirtless dude with scars all over his body.  Not exactly screaming 'Frankenstein's Monster' over here (Funnily enough, some guy commented on another site and said it's Harvey Dent Returns hahaha).

    The film is due out next January 24th, however; it was originally set for release this past FEBRUARY.  That's a year-long delay for a film which is obviously never a good sign (actually, as I'm writing this, I notice it's being released in 3D...there's your answer).

    Besides that, not much is known in regards to the project except is takes place in the modern day with Frankenstein being hunted by demons who want to know the secrets to his creation.

    Expect more to be known next week following Comic-Con as an official trailer will be released along with more insight on to what exactly this film is about.

    Yvonne Strahovski, Bill Nighy, Socratis Otto, Miranda Otto, and Jai Courtney also star.

    Source: EW


    'Elysium' To Be Given IMAX Release

    Kind of strange to announce such a thing with just under a month before the film's release, but hey, better late than never.

    Sony Pictures announced yesterday tha Neill Blomkamp's Elysium, starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster, will be given an IMAX release when it opens next month on August 9th.

    The film will be given a full, digital re-master to meet the IMAX standards, however; the film will ONLY be available in IMAX, with no dreaded 3D add-on the kill the experience and moviegoer's wallets (honestly, does anyone actually like going to see a film in 3D now?  I'm almost annoyed I can't go see Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim in just IMAX like the director intended because the studio forced 3D down his throat).

    Anyway, for anyone not familar with the plot of Elysium, the story takes place in 2159, and two classes of people are divided: the wealthy live on a man-made space station called Elysium, while the rest of the humans inhabit an overpopulated and ruined Earth.  Matt Damon plays a desperate man who must reach Elysium in order to find a cure that will save his life, while Jodie Foster plays the woman in-charge of securing Elysium from intruders.

    Here's the official press release:

    LOS ANGELES, July 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – IMAX Corporation, along with TriStar Pictures and Media Rights Capital today announced that Elysium, filmmaker Neill Blomkamp’s (District 9) futuristic action film starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster, will be digitally re-mastered into the immersive IMAX® format and released in IMAX® theatres worldwide beginning August 9.

    “Neill Blomkamp is the kind of innovative, creative storyteller that moviegoers seek out, and we are thrilled to bring this highly anticipated film to IMAX audiences worldwide,” said Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX Entertainment and Senior Executive Vice President IMAX Corp.

    “Elysium is one of the most highly anticipated films of the summer, so we’re pleased that audiences will have the chance to see Neill Blomkamp’s vision for the future in IMAX’s immersive format,” said Rory Bruer, president, Worldwide Distribution for Sony Pictures.

    The IMAX release of Elysium will be digitally re-mastered into the image and sound quality of The IMAX Experience® with proprietary IMAX DMR® (Digital Re-mastering) technology.  The crystal-clear images, coupled with IMAX’s customized theatre geometry and powerful digital audio, create a unique environment that will make audiences feel as if they are in the movie.


    New Image from 'The Wolverine' Pushed to the Limit

     The Wolverine is a film that I think will be leaps and bounds better than it's absolute awful predecessor, X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

    However, I think due to the poor reception of the 2009 film - both with critics and audiences - it won't do nearly as much business as the first one.

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine did roughly $180 million domestic with a wordwide total of about $375 million at the box office.  A lot of that was upfront  business from people who were psyched to see Hugh Jackman finally getting his own solo film (though that can be argued because it was basically X-Men 4).

    It seems poor taste lasts a while, because even though The Wolverine - from all accounts - looks and is fantastic, audiences (besides the core fan base) will say 'thanks, but no thanks' after being burned last time.

    Look at Batman Begins for example.  That film was great, but didn't do nearly as much business as it should of because the average moviegoer still had Batman & Robin on the brain (and that film came out 8 years prior!).

    It was only after audiences discovered it on the home video market did many realize how good it was.  It's one of the reasons The Dark Knight did so well; people were left with a great impression.

    I think this will be the same case with The Wolverine, though I doubt we will see another solo film after this as Jackman has stated numerous times this is a stand-alone entry and besides next year's X-Men: Days of Future Past, one of his last appearances as the famous character.

    I do hope though that I'm wrong and The Wolverine does great.  It most definitely deserves it.

    Source: Twitter


    'The Lone Ranger' Bombing at the Box Office

    According to early reports, Disney's The Lone Ranger has taken in just $19.5 million in two days at the domestic box office with 5-day estimates for the holiday weekend ranging from $50-55 million overall.  For a film that cost $215 million to make (though I've read it was was more like $250 million), that is absolutely terrible.

    Honestly though, should this really be a surprise?

    Take away all the production troubles this project went through - from being put on hold to lower its budget to then going over-budget anyway because of production issues - this film just never grabbed anyone's attention.

    Of all the movies coming out this summer, I really don't think you could find a single person who had The Lone Ranger at the top of their must-see list.

    Sure, Johnny Depp is a great actor, but I'm pretty sure that fire he ignited in his career over a decade ago with Pirates of the Caribbean is fading.  He's just not as popular as he use to be with casual moviegoers.  That has nothing to do with his films nor his personal life, it's just after a while, people lose interest.

    The one I feel bad for though is Armie Hammer.  I saw him on The Tonight Show and he genuinely seems like a great dude - and from all accounts - a fantastic actor.  I only hope Hollywood gives this guy another chance to become a star because he really seems to have that IT quality (unlike say, Ryan Reynolds, who keep getting chance after chance.  Seriously, how bad does R.I.P.D. look?).

    Who knows, maybe The Lone Ranger can find an audience and somehow get to say $150 million domestically, backed by big overseas numbers (Depp is a huge draw internationally) and not be such a disappointment (from what I've read, it's not as bad as critics make it out to be, which really shouldn't come as a surprise).

    As of now though, the movie is a absolute bomb, in every sense of the word.

    Source: Box Office Mojo


    Opinion: Kathryn Bigelow for 'Terminator'?

    Yeah, I know what you're all thinking: Paula Deen has a better shot at appearing at the BET Awards than Bigelow helming the new Terminator film.  With that said though, hear me out for a minute.

    Kathryn Bigelow is undoubtabely the best female filmmaker working today.  I mean really, no one comes close.  Sure, The Hurt Locker won her acclaim and awards, but take a look at her work prior to that.  Good or bad, she has always made exceptionally directed films with a unique style for each one.

    Which leads me to Terminator.  Normally, you wouldn't muster a single thought of Bigelow even entertaining the idea of helming a film for a franchise that was created by her ex-husband, James Cameron.  However, the reason I think there might indeed be a small chance this comes to fruition comes down to two words: Megan. Ellison.

    Ellison - as you now - is the founder of Annapurna Pictures and owner of the Terminator franchise rights.  She produced and financed Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty and has shown a desire to produce films of quality and substance.  Sure, Ellison might be sharing the financial duties of the new Terminator with her brother David (Skydance Productions) and Paramount Pictures, but make no mistake, Ellison is the one who is calling the shots.  She forked over the cash to win the bidding for the franchise's rights almost two years ago and she's the one who started this whole process.  If there's someone she wants, you bet your ass she'll do everything in her power to get it.

    Bigelow, meanwhile, probably would connect well to the Terminator mythology if a certain female character named Sarah Connor is brought back.  Let's be real, when you think of famous heroines in cinema history, Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor is probably in the Top 5 every time, period.  Bigelow would probably love the opportunity to have a strong female presence take center stage in a major production like this.

    By the way too, I am not just bringing up Bigelow's name for shits and giggles.  I have read on a few websites now (all who are reliable and report consistent news) that Bigelow's name being brought up jives with what they've heard.  Again, I am not saying she will direct the pic, all I'm saying though is that she definitely is/was considered and would make a great choice to finally gives movie fans a long-awaited great Terminator film.


    Vin Diesel to Meet with Marvel

    "Never going to happen."

    Those were the first words that came to mind when I read Vin Diesel posted on his Facebook page that Marvel had requested a meeting with him.

    As great as it would be for an action star of Diesel's caliber to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I just don't buy Vin playing nice with the Marvel team.

    If there's one thing you must know about Vin Diesel, it's that he is completely involved in every project he's in.  From the development of the script, to location scouting, to pre-production as well as post-production; the man demands input in every aspect because he is passionate about what he does and wants it done right.  It's why he's done nothing but Fast & Furious films the past 5 years along with another Riddick entry; Universal caters to his needs and allows him to have creative control over these projects because he makes them money with the one viable franchise they have.

    Marvel on the other hand?  Are you kidding?  They basically tell every actor that walks into their offices that it's their way or the highway.  Just ask Terrence Howard, or better yet, any actor from The Avengers not named Robert Downey Jr.  They don't cater to anyone and won't allow scripts or whole projects for that matter to be altered to fit an actor's 'needs'.

    Vin Diesel will probably take the meeting, but once he learns first-hand how rigid Marvel is with their films, give a polite, "Thanks, but no thanks."

    Hey at least Marvel can say they tried.

    Source: Facebook


    Liam Neeson's Coming Back for 'Taken 3', Will Be Paid $20 Million

    This is what happens when you get a good film that becomes a surprise hit.

    Taken was a well-made action film that needed no further story.  A guy's daughter gets kidnapped, he saves her, the end.  No trilogy, no three-part series needed; just a solid action movie to be seen for years to come.

    Hollywood, of course, doesn't see things that way.  They see money.  And when they see money, they will milk every last drop out of that one frickin cow until it is bone dry.  They don't care how diluted the product is.

    This brings us to today's news that Liam Neeson is coming for a Taken 3.  Yeah, Taken 2 made a hefty amount of coin so it was pretty obvious a 3rd flick was going to get happen (just don't expect much of a box office after the poorly received 1st sequel; look no further than The Hangover Part III for proof.  What now Bradley Cooper, you Hollywood kiss ass?).

    Word is that Neeson will be paid close to $20 million to reprise his role of Bryan Mills (after getting $15 million for the 2nd), the ex-CIA agent who used his 'certain set of skills' to save his daughter in the 1st film, then save his daughter and wife in the 2nd.  Maybe this time he'll have to save his parents too?

    Production on the three-quel is set to begin in February with negotiations ongoing with Maggie Grace and Famke Janssen to return as Mills' daughter and wife, respectively.

    You gotta hand it to Neeson though.  He may not enjoy playing the Hollywood game, but he's getting a shitload of money out of it.

    More on this project as it becomes available.

    Source: Deadline