New Image from 'The Wolverine' Pushed to the Limit

The Wolverine is a film that I think will be leaps and bounds better than it's absolute awful predecessor, X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
However, I think due to the poor reception of the 2009 film - both with critics and audiences - it won't do nearly as much business as the first one.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine did roughly $180 million domestic with a wordwide total of about $375 million at the box office. A lot of that was upfront business from people who were psyched to see Hugh Jackman finally getting his own solo film (though that can be argued because it was basically X-Men 4).
It seems poor taste lasts a while, because even though The Wolverine - from all accounts - looks and is fantastic, audiences (besides the core fan base) will say 'thanks, but no thanks' after being burned last time.
Look at Batman Begins for example. That film was great, but didn't do nearly as much business as it should of because the average moviegoer still had Batman & Robin on the brain (and that film came out 8 years prior!).
It was only after audiences discovered it on the home video market did many realize how good it was. It's one of the reasons The Dark Knight did so well; people were left with a great impression.
I think this will be the same case with The Wolverine, though I doubt we will see another solo film after this as Jackman has stated numerous times this is a stand-alone entry and besides next year's X-Men: Days of Future Past, one of his last appearances as the famous character.
I do hope though that I'm wrong and The Wolverine does great. It most definitely deserves it.
Source: Twitter
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