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    Ford Answers Dodge Ram - "Man Of Steel" Tie-In With "F150 Super Hero" Commercial

    About a month ago Dodge launched a commercial featuring shots from Man Of Steel with music from the film inter spliced with their newest rendition of the Dodge Ram. The spot (below) featured a voice over that said, "Everyone has the ability to do something amazing, some just do it on a more regular basis, in dealerships everywhere, in theaters June 14th."

    Really solid tie-in spot, great display of synergy between Warner Bros & Dodge, even if Ford didn't think so. They have responded with a commercial of their own, featuring the new F150 with the slogan, "Trust The Strength, Feel The Power"


    New "The Lifeguard" Trailer Starring Kristen Bell

    Leigh (Kristen Bell) is almost 30, and living a seemingly perfect life in New York. But when her career and love life both come crashing down, she flees to her suburban hometown and regresses right back into teenage life and behavior. She moves into her old room with her parents, hangs around with friends who never left town, and reclaims her high school job as a condo-complex lifeguard. But as Leigh enjoys shirking adult life and responsibilities and enters into an illicit affair, she begins a chain reaction that affects those closest to her. With an all-star cast that also includes Martin Starr (“Party Down,” “Knocked Up”), Mamie Gummer (“Side Effects”) and Oscar nominee Amy Madigan, it’s a journey that’s both hilarious and heartfelt. Presented by Screen Media Films & Focus World, the alternative distribution of Focus Features.



    Warner Bros. Waves Bye To Legendary & Hi To Dune, RatPac, & Brett Ratner

    It wasn't even several days ago I SPECULATED that maybe Christopher Nolan's Syncopy could take Legendary's place at the Burbank table with The Brothers Warner. I was way off.  According to THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER the studio is now dotting the "I's" & crossing the "T's" on a 400+ million financing package with Dune Entertainment. You might remember Dune from such mega hits as Avatar & Marley And Me, when they were in bed with Fox.

    RatPac Entertainment, the joint venture between popcorn flick director Brett Ratner & Australian Kabillionaire James Packer is also part of the deal. I'm theorizing here, but I wonder if this means we could see Brett Ratner behind the lense of Justice League or a possible Batman reboot. At the very least I can see him producing all of their comicbook flicks or even sheparding the entire DC universe.

    Legendary Pictures has yet to announce who their new partner in crime is but the deal between Warner Bros and Dune does not involve the luxuries that Legendary once enjoyed. Legendary had the right to refuse certain films if they didn't believe they were financially viable. The new pact with Dune would involve financial involvement in Warner Bros entire slate for the next 3 to 4 years. So in other words, they can't say "no" to the next Green Lantern like Legendary did.

    Sounds like Warner Bros just dumped the Mathletes Captain and is taking the Head Cheerleader to Prom.


    Jeff Daniels Promises He'll Be "Dumber" Again

    Put aside your admiration or disdain for Jim Carrey and remember there are those independent from him, his recent actions and statements who are affected. Like Jeff Daniels in Dumb & Dumber To.

    The ten year-old me devoured everything Lloyd Christmas back in the mid 90s. The "adult" iteration of yours truly still laughs at Carrey in his prime but marvels at Daniels as Harry, the other half of the dim-witted duo. Always hear actors talk about how comedy is a harder feat than drama. Guess it would take a dramatic actor like Daniels to put the work (little looks, thought process, mannerisms, etc.) to make us believe he really is that stupid.

    My reservations of recapturing that magic aside, if there’s any reason to want to see the sequel, it's for Jeff Daniels. He recently appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and confirmed everything is set to go for this September. That would seem a tall-order (We're in the middle of July after all). But films can, and are when need be, assembled post haste and there was nothing but assurance in his voice.


    Amanda Seyfried Is "Lovelace" In New UK Trailer

    In 1972—before the internet, before the porn explosion—"Deep Throat" was a phenomenon: the first scripted pornographic theatrical feature film, featuring a story, some jokes, and an unknown and unlikely star, Linda Lovelace. Escaping a strict religious family, Linda discovered freedom and the high-life when she fell for and married charismatic hustler Chuck Traynor. As Linda Lovelace she became an international sensation—less centerfold fantasy than a charming girl-next-door with an impressive capacity for fellatio. Fully inhabiting her new identity, Linda became an enthusiastic spokesperson for sexual freedom and uninhibited hedonism. Six years later she presented another, utterly contradictory, narrative to the world—and herself as the survivor of a far darker story.



    "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Teaser Poster

    Very similar to what has been done with past Superman films, where the marketing team uses the familiar \S/ logo as a tease, below is the teaser poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The poster displays a battle worn shield and the date of release. Simple but effective. I'm sure this will be displayed and available at Comic Con.

    The story picks up where Marvel's The Avengers left off, as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C.


    "As I Lay Dying" Poster Featuring James Franco

    Directed by Oscar-nominated James Franco from a screenplay by James Franco and Matt Rager, As I Lay Dying is adapted from the 1930 classic American novel by William Faulkner. The story chronicles the Bundren family as they traverse the Mississippi countryside to bring the body of their deceased mother Addie to her hometown for burial. Addie’s husband Anse and their children, Cash, Darl, Jewel, Dewey Dell, and the youngest one Vardaman, leave the farm on a carriage with her coffin - each affected by Addie’s death in a profound and different way. Their road trip to Jefferson, some forty miles away, is disrupted by every antagonistic force of nature or man: flooded rivers, injury and accident, a raging barn fire, and not least of all -- each individual character’s personal turmoil and inner commotion which at times threaten the fabric of the family more than any outside force.



    Trailer for Direct to DVD CURSE OF CHUCKY


    He's back! From the filmmakers that brought you Chucky comes the terrifying return of the pint-sized doll possessed by the spirit of a notorious serial killer. When a mysterious package arrives at the house of Nica (Fiona Dourif, True Blood), she doesn't give it much thought. However, after her mother's mysterious death, Nica begins to suspect that the talking, red-haired doll her visiting niece has been playing with may be the key to the ensuing bloodshed and chaos. The return of America's favorite toy, voiced again by Brad Dourif, is unrated and full of more blood-splattered thrills and chills.


    First Poster for Spike Lee's OLDBOY Shows Agent K In A Trunk

    OLDBOY, the remake of the 2003 film of the same name by Park Chan-wook is a revenge thriller about an advertising executive (Brolin) who is kidnapped and held hostage for two decades. When he is inexplicably released, he embarks on a mission to find out who was behind the tortuous punishment, but he soon learns that his torment is not yet over.

    OLDBOY stars Josh Brolin, Sharlto Copley, Elizabeth Olsen, and Samuel L. Jackson as is being written by Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend, THOR) and will be released October 25. 

    From L.A. Times Hero Complex. 


    Guillermo del Toro Adds SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE To List Of Films He'll Never Make


    Rev up that Guillermo del Toro hype machine from the same man that will be adapting "Monster" for HBO, Pinocchio, Frankenstein, Justice League Dark, Beauty and the Beast, Hellboy 3, At the Mountains of Madness, The Haunted Mansion, and seven other things you'll (sadly) never see, because now he's with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind writer Charlie Kaufman to adapt Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five", which was adapted before in the 1970's.

    del Toro spoke with The Daily Telegraph (edition not yet online; source is The Playlist), and said that:

    "Charlie [Kaufman] and I talked for about an hour-and-a-half and came up with a perfect way of doing the book," he told the Daily Telegraph. "I love the idea of the Trafalmadorians [the aliens of 'Slaughterhouse-Five'] -- to be 'unstuck in time,' where everything is happening at the same time. And that's what I want to do. It's just a catch-22. The studio will make it when it''s my next movie, but how can I commit to it being my next movie until there's a screenplay? Charlie Kaufman is a very expensive writer!"

    This is also part of a 4-picture deal signed in 2008 according to The Playlist.

    The synopsis for the 1972 adaption of Slaughterhouse-Five reads:

    Listen: Billie Pilgrim has come unstuck in time." The opening words of the famous novel are the quickest summary of this haunting, funny film. Director Hill faithfully renders for the screen Vonnegut's obsessive story of Pilgrim, who survives the 1945 firebombing of Dresden, then lives simultaneously in his past as a young American POW, in the future as a well-cared-for resident of a zoo on the planet Tralfamadore, and in the present as a middle-aged optometrist in Ilium, N.Y.