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    Teaser Trailer for Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

    Clocking in shy of two minutes, the teaser trailer for Interstellar, the space exploration adventure from director Christopher Nolan, doesn't show much besides stock footage, narration from lead Matthew McConaughey and spellbounding music from composer Hans Zimmer.

    I want more already. Classic tease, Nolan.


    Sony Says 'Sure, Why Not', VENOM and SINISTER SIX Films On The Way


    While sitting around the Sony Offices and slowly watching WB/DC throw everything they have into Man of Steel 2 And Friends and Marvel Studios prepping for another billion-dollar Joss Whedon venture, a light-bulb went off and Sony decided to just throw all their eggs into the "expanded universe super-hero basket".

    Sony's Official Release:

    In a move to forge a new legacy in the story of Peter Parker on screen, Sony Pictures Entertainment, in association with Marvel Entertainment, is developing several new projects in the Spider-Man franchise, with Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jeff Pinkner, Ed Solomon, and Drew Goddard to collaborate on overseeing the developing story over several films that will be produced by Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach, it was announced today by Doug Belgrad, president of Columbia Pictures, and Hannah Minghella, president of Production for the studio.

    The five writers, along with the two producers and Marc Webb, have formed a franchise brain trust to expand the universe for the brand and to develop a continuous tone and thread throughout the films. Under the deals, the studio announced that Kurtzman & Orci & Pinkner are writing the screenplay for The Amazing Spider-Man 3, which the studio hopes Webb will return to direct; the film will go into production next fall for release on June 10, 2016. In addition, the team will build on the cinematic foundation laid by Webb, Arad, and Tolmach in the first two movies. They will expand the franchise as Kurtzman & Orci & Solomon will write the screenplay for Venom, which Kurtzman will direct; also, Goddard will write, with an eye to direct, The Sinister Six, focusing on the villains in the franchise. Hannah Minghella and Rachel O’Connor will oversee the development and production of these films for the studio.

    In tapping these five writers, the studio and the producers are guiding the future of the franchise with the writer/producers who have each played significant and key roles in developing such highly successful franchises, films, and series as Star Trek, Transformers, “Alias,” “Fringe,” Men in Black, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, World War Z, “Lost,” Cloverfield, The Cabin in the Woods, and Marvel’s upcoming “Daredevil” series.

    Commenting on the announcement, Belgrad said, “The Spider-Man film franchise is one of our studio’s greatest assets. We are thrilled with the creative team we have assembled to delve more deeply into the world that Marc, Avi and Matt have begun to explore in The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. We believe that Marc, Alex, and Drew have uniquely exciting visions for how to expand the Spider-Man universe in each of these upcoming films.”

    Arad and Tolmach added, “This collaboration was born out of the great experience we and Marc had working with Alex, Bob, and Jeff on The Amazing Spider-Man 2. With more than fifty years’ wealth of stories in the comic books to draw upon for inspiration, the Spider-Man universe is truly boundless; in addition, the Spider-Man comics have the greatest rogues gallery of any series, and to have the chance to explore that on film is truly thrilling. Until now, we have approached each film as a separate, self-contained entity, but with this move, we have the opportunity to grow the franchise by looking to the future as we develop a continuous arc for the story. That is what Alex, Bob, Jeff, Ed, and Drew will do in this unprecedented collaboration, and we’re excited about the directions they are taking the character and the world.”

    The most successful franchise in the history of Columbia Pictures, Spider-Man is embraced all over the world. The four Spider-Man films to date have taken in over $3.2 billion worldwide.

    The Too Long; Don't Read Version:

    Alex Kurtzman and Bob Orci (Star Trek Into Darkness, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) as well as series-director Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer), Jeff Pinker (ALIAS, The Amazing Spider-Man 2) and Drew Goddard (CLOVERFIELD, World War Z) will all be teaming up to tackle VENOM, Spider-Man's big scary menace/ anti-hero covered in a symbiote suit and SINISTER SIX which is basically The Avengers but with assorted Spider-Man villains such as Vulture, Doc Ock, Mysterio, Kraven, The Rhino, and Electro.

    Kurtzman will direct VENOM with Goddard helming (presumably) SINISTER SIX

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters May 2, 2014 and will be followed by The Amazing Spider-Man 3 June 10, 2016. 


    Daenerys Targaryen Is Now Your Sarah Connor in TERMINATOR Reboot


    Well it appears HBO's Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke will take what is hers with blood and fire (and some time travel) in the upcoming reboot of the Terminator franchise. 

    Deadline reports:

    It’s official. Emilia Clarkewill play Sarah Connor in the Terminatorreboot, re-teaming with director Alan Taylor, who has worked with Clarke in the HBO series Game Of Thrones. Clarke joinsJason Clarke, who is in negotiations to play her son John Connor in a storyline I’ve heard involved a trip into the future. Deadline revealed that he was in talks earlier this week. Arnold Schwarzenegger is also back in his signature cyborg role.

    It's hard to picture Emilia as the capable badass that made Linda Hamilton an icon in Terminator and it's sequel, T2: Judgement Day, and while I think it's totally badass that we have Arnie back, I can't see how an almost 70-year old Terminator would be menacing.

    Still no word on the casting of a key player in the Terminator franchise, Kyle Reese, who was most recently played by Anton Yelchin in Terminator: Salvation which was the last attempt to continue/reboot the franchise with Christian Bale as John Connor. 

    The as of yet untitled reboot hits theaters July 2015, so cram that into your schedule between literally every other fucking movie ever made that release that summer. 


    Nothing to See Here - Ed Helms Headlining Naked Gun Restart

    There is a belief held by John Landis and the Zuckers straight actors are funnier than comedians on film. A sight gag or a line of dialogue gets a bigger laugh if the actor plays it with conviction. The straighter he plays it, the greater the laugh. As funny as the Naked Gun movies are, Leslie Nielsen was the glue that held it together. Nielsen, a classically trained dramatic actor, played Detective Frank Drebin as serious as he did from his leading man days.

    Variety reports Paramount is restarting the franchise as a vehicle for Ed Helms.

    Helms is an amusing and likeable fellas on camera, and screenwriters R. Ben Garant & Thomas Lennon are working the police procedural spoof to fit the Hangover actor. Nobody wants Helms to imitate Nielsen. That would be a waste of time, money and talent. They are obliviously going to go in their new direction. Only... that would, if I had to guess, involve making Drebin in on the joke. Make him as zany as the sight gags around him. Big mistake.

    Assuming that's their big plan to distinguish themselves from Nielsen and the Zuckers.


    Jason Clarke in Talks to Play John Connor in 'Terminator' Reboot; Sarah Connor Role Awaiting Decision

    Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty, White House Down) is being eyed to play John Connor in the new Terminator reboot for Paramount, Annapurna Pictures, and Skydance Productions.

    Though Tom Hardy was rumored to be the top choice, the filmmakers have still landed a fantastic actor for the role.  I've heard nothing but great things about Clarke from all the good movies he's done that I haven't seen (I know, I should) and he fits that rugged, seen-some-shit look they were going for with Hardy in mind for John Connor.  Great choice.

    Along with this, it seems director Alan Taylor and Paramount are at odds over who to cast as Sarah Connor.

    If you recall a few days back, it was reported Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones, no relation to Jason) and Brie Larson (Short Term 12, 21 Jump Street) were the two finalists for the role.  Well, it seems they both went in to re-test this week and are now on a holding contract until the 15th.

    Taylor wants his Game of Thrones girl, Clarke, while the studio wants Larson, who they feel is an up and coming star.  Personally, I like Larson better as she seems to be the more talented actress (Oscar buzz for Short Term 12) as well as having that innocent, girl next door look Linda Hamilton had back in the original.  Clarke looks like 'if Sarah Connor were the hottest girl in school and nobody noticed'.

    A decision is expected soon.

    Finally, word is that the plot will revolve around a pivotal moment from the 1984 classic that changes the Terminator timeline.  I have no idea what that 'moment' might be, but seeing as if they are still yet to cast Kyle Reese, I wonder if he'll live instead of dying.

    We shall see.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger will return to his signature role as well (though it's not known how much screentime he'll actually have).

    Source:  The Wrap


    'Fast & Furious 7' Production Team Working to Keep Paul Walker in the Film

    In a fantastic write-up done by The Hollywood Reporter, word comes that Universal Studios and the makers behind the Fast & Furious franchise are indeed working to rewrite the film in order to keep the late Paul Walker's scenes included and give his character of Brian O'Conner a fitting send-off.

    The article goes into lengthy detail about what's been going on behind the scenes including having the cast & crew put 'on-hold' even though they can only legally be for so long, bringing in franchise writer Chris Morgan to rework the film's script so they can salvage what footage Paul Walker had shot, and eying a January production restart date in hopes the film can be finished up.

    The studio and filmmakers behind the 7th installment of the popular car racing/heist franchise are facing an unprecedented crisis in having one of its lead actors and series staples die tragically only halfway through production.  Much has been discussed about how the film would be completed and sources say that while the 'ideal' option is to give Paul Walker his swan song and work his character's exit into the film, the studio is realistic that if it can't be done 'right', they will have to put in the largest insurance claim in Hollywood history ($150 million) and restart production on the project.

    I for one hope - like I'm sure many other do too - that the filmmakers can come up with a fitting way to use what footage Paul Walker had shot and rework the film in order to complete its planned story.

    I will state this though.

    There's been a a few who have said the best route would be to recast Paul Walker's character of Brian O'Conner and use another actor for not only this film, but future installments as well to complete the planned story arc they had in mind.  


    Not only is that an insult to Paul Walker - who played that character for well over a decade and is recognized for around the world - but to even think the cast & crew involved would go along with that idea is ridiculous.

    That was his character.  No other actor should play him, nor do I think any actor would dare to try and step in those shoes knowing they would be set-up to fail.  It is why I think even with the tragedy that occurred, they will kill off Brian O'Conner.  To have his character 'live-on' in the series wouldn't make much sense considering it leaves it open for him to return at some point, which obviously, will never happen.

    What I think is the best idea (along with what I feel will happen) is they will have Lucas Black's character of Sean Boswell step into Brian place in the series.  They will rewrite the script and have him in-place of scenes Brian was suppose to be in.

    He's familiar to fans of the franchise - along with some figuring they were looking to 'pass the torch' onto his character anyway - so this just goes along with that sentiment.

    What do you think should happen?

    Sound off below.

    Source:  The Hollywood Reporter


    Edge of Tomorrow Trailer

    "The epic action of Edge of Tomorrow unfolds in a near future in which an alien race has hit the Earth in an unrelenting assault, unbeatable by any military unit in the world. Lt. Col. Bill Cage (Tom Cruise) is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously dropped into what amounts to little more than a suicide mission. Killed within minutes, Cage now finds himself inexplicably thrown into a time loop—forcing him to live out the same brutal combat over and over, fighting and dying again...and again. But with each battle, Cage becomes able to engage the adversaries with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt). And, as Cage and Rita take the fight to the aliens, each repeated encounter gets them one step closer to defeating the enemy."


    'Jack Reacher' Sequel Moving Forward

    While it seemed a bit up in the air for some time, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions are indeed moving forward with a sequel to last year's Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise, based on the popular Lee Child's book series.

    When the film opened last holiday season, it was a modest success, grossing just over $80 million domestically; however, given Cruise's vintage star power still overseas, the film took in close to $140 million internationally, totalling about $220 million worldwide.  The film cost a mere $60 million to produce.

    Based on those profits - as well as the good reception the film has received in the home video market - a follow-up is now seemingly a go.

    The film is set to be based on Never Go Back, which was just published this past fall.

    The main premise of the story revolves around Reacher returning to his old military base in Virginia to take an former female friend to dinner.  Once there, he learns she has been arrested while himself being charged with beating a man and fathering a child with another woman.  Soon enough, Reacher gets to the bottom of what's going on in his typical Reacher-esque style.

    Christopher McQuarrie - who both adapted and directed the first film - is wanted back to helm the flick but is too busy prepping Mission: Impossible 5 (also with Cruise) to take on scripting duties.  The project is currently out to writers to get the ball rolling (though I bet McQuarrie will take a pass at the screenplay once complete).

    I rather enjoyed the first film and thought it played pretty true to the book it was based, One Shot (still the only Jack Reacher one I've read).

    Hopefully they can get this one moving fast so we don't have to wait three more years for it's release (though with M:I 5 shooting first and dated for Christmas 2015, I'd say a 2016 release is pretty likely).

    Source:  Deadline


    Godzilla Trailer

    "An epic rebirth to Toho's iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure, from Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures, pits the world's most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity's scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence."


    First Trailer to the The Wachowskis' Jupiter Ascending

    The concept is weird, the first look at co-star Channing Tatum will be an Internet Meme sensation in no time and let’s face it, this first trailer is underwhelming. But there is something about Jupiter Ascending, the sci-fi actioner from the Wachowskis, that has me.

    The plot details, as scooped by Vulture, is so bizarre it has two outcomes ahead of it; so out-there, it works or so out-there, what in God's name were they think?! Too soon to a pick a side based on the first showcase of footage to a feature that can’t be released till the end of next July.

    But... I'm strangely confident.

    "Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) was born under a night sky, with signs predicting that she was destined for great things.  Now grown, Jupiter dreams of the stars but wakes up to the cold reality of a job cleaning toilets and an endless run of bad breaks.  Only when Caine (Channing Tatum), a genetically engineered ex-military hunter, arrives on Earth to track her down does Jupiter begin to glimpse the fate that has been waiting for her all along – her genetic signature marks her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos."