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Entries by Charles Gerian (5)


Taylor Kitsch Opens Up About His Career and JOHN CARTER


Taylor Kitsch, who had a rough year in 2012 with the back-to-back missfires of Disney's John Carter and Universal's BATTLESHIP is now doing well for himself, with two critically acclaimed turns for HBO in The Normal Heart and True Detective season 2.
However, while Kitsch has been climbing back up since Peter Berg's Lone Survivor he has nothing bad to say about his past experience, and says he has no regrets in his career.

 “People still want to talk about John Carter [as a flop], but I have no regrets,”Taylor told Parade. “I learned so much from that process. I’m going to have a lot of ups and downs in my career. I think you should, if you’re taking risks, and I’m not one to play it safe.”

The Friday Night Lights star, who recently got kicked out of the 20th Fox playground having Channing Tatum replace him as Gambit, came under fire as "box office poison" in 2012, being marked as one of the reasons the attempted kick-start at an in house Disney franchise failed; while others believe Disney burried the film to make room for Star Wars which it would aquire through a lucrative purchase of LucasFilm later that year.

The Canadian actor then told THR his thoughts on why televison has become such a star-studded medium recently, attracting the star-power that could only be found in the cineplexes just half a decade ago:

He remarked about how more actors are making the jump to prestige TV offerings, including fellow True Detective co-stars Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams. "Film scripts at that level are harder to find these days," Kitsch said. "I want to be able to elevate myself to the material."

In a series like True Detective, the TV format offers 8 hours or more to tell a story. “You get to see a full spectrum,” said Kitsch. “In 90 minutes or 2 hours in a film, you do find yourself not forcing, but pushing certain beats that may not be honest emotionally.”


GHOSTBUSTERS Visit Patients in Boston's Tufts Medical Center

Who Ya Gonna' Call? Clearly if you're a patient in the hospital, you'd much rather be visited by a Ghostbuster than some boring old doctor, and that's just what the all-star cast of Paul Feig's Ghostbusters did when they visited Tuft's Medical Center in Boston, MA this past week. 
Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones  were in town, as filming for the highly talked about reboot has been underway, and made their way through the hospital in full-costume and Proton Packs.


I don't know about you; but I always love when actors do things like this.

The Medical Center took to Facebook to thank the cast:

 Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center patients got a huge surprise today when Ghostbusters stars Melissa McCarthyKristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones came to visit! Thank you for taking the time out of filming today to put a big smile on our patients faces!‪#‎WhoYouGonnaCall‬ ‪#‎Ghostbusters‬

Ghosts will be busted July 2016. 


Liam Neeson Saves Stray Dog from Asshole Kids in New York 


From, it appears that TAKEN and Batman Begins star Liam Neeson employed some of his own badassery into the real world by saving a stray dog in Central Park from a group of asshole kids.

Reports suggest the Taken star was jogging in Central Park, New York when he heard a woman calling for help as she attempted to stop a group of young thugs throwing rocks at a stray dog they had cornered, according to

According the the sources:

"Liam charged down a path and confronted three gangbanger wannabe types. "Liam yelled that they'd better stop or he'd knock the c**p out of them - but the punks just swaggered up and warned him to mind his own business.

(Pictured Above: Neeson "beating the c**p" out of the abusers.)

Obviously that didn't sit well with Qui-Gon, who warned the kids to "back off, or else." Police soon arrived and Neeson stayed with the dog, petting it while Law Enforcement assessed it's injuries. 

Insider sources suggest the third installment of the hit TAKEN franchise is being re-written to reflect these real-world events, set to be titled TAKEN 3: DOGMA it would follow Neeson's character Bryan Mills as he dives into a corrupt dog-kidnapping ring after his own daughter's pooch is taken. 

Alternative reports suggested that after rescuing the dog, Neeson acknowledged the beasts ferocious will to live, and prepared to face it in open combat. 


J.R.R. Tolkien's BEOWULF Translation Will Finally See Publication 


The Guardian reports that acclaimed novelist J.R.R. Tolkien's translation of the corner-stone of Western literature, Beowulf is finally set to be published by way of Harper-Collins titled Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary on May 22. 

Tolkien's "creative attention to detail" in his lectures gives rise to a sense of the immediacy and clarity of his vision", said his son. "It is as if he entered into the imagined past: standing beside Beowulf and his men shaking out their mail-shirts as they beached their ship on the coast of Denmark, listening to the rising anger of Beowulf at the taunting of Unferth, or looking up in amazement at Grendel's terrible hand set under the roof of Heorot."

Tolkien also closely considers the dragon which would slay Beowulf, writing of how the beast was "snuffling in baffled rage and injured greed when he discovers the theft of the cup" – an image reminiscent of his own thief Bilbo Baggins, sneaking into the lair of the dragon Smaug inThe Hobbit – but, said his son, the author "rebuts the notion that this is 'a mere treasure story … just another dragon tale'".

Tolkien, the master behind the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit novels, first completed his translation of the Anglo-Saxin epic poem back in 1926. 

Edited by Tolkien's son Christopher, the novel will also include lectures that Tolkeien gave in the 1930s at Oxford regarding the piece. 

Beowulf has been the basis for fantasy story-telling for generations and will be till the end of time, being adapted into more than 11 films and 12 novels and graphic novels.
Most recently it hit the big-screen in 2008.  


UPDATED: Michael Bay Had Enough Of Your Shit, Samsung Teleprompter 

At the Consumer Electronics Show today in Las Vegas, Nevada, billionare film-maker and beloved cultural icon and film auteur Michael Bay, who has gifted the world with The Rock, Bad Boys II, and soon Transformers: Age of Extinction was speaking at Samsung's press event when a technical error caused him to calmly collect his thoughts and leave.

The LA Times has the full transcript:

Bay, who was on stage for all of 70 uncomfortable seconds, began by saying: "Uh my job as a director is I get to dream for a living."

Then he said: "Um I create visual worlds that are so beyond everyone's normal life experiences and Hollywood is a place that creates uh a viewer escape and um what I try to do as a director is I try to ..."

At this point, he trailed off before finally uttering a disgusted, "Ugh."

"The type is all off, sorry, but I'll just wing this," he said, appearing agitated.  Joe Stinziano, Samsung executive vice president, tried to smooth over the situation, gently prodding Bay to "tell us what you think."

Bay began again: "I try to take people on an emotional ride and um..."

Stinziano again tried to salvage the appearance, saying: "The curve? How do you think it's gonna impact how viewers experience your movies?"

But Bay had had enough. He turned and walked off. "Excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry," the director said.

Within minutes, Michael Bay reached the top 10 trends in the United States on Twitter. 

Bay then posted on his official site:

Wow! I just embarrassed myself at CES – I was about to speak for Samsung for this awesome Curved 105-inch UHD TV. I rarely lend my name to any products, but this one is just stellar. I got so excited to talk, that I skipped over the Exec VP’s intro line and then the teleprompter got lost. Then the prompter went up and down – then I walked off. I guess live shows aren’t my thing.

But I’m doing a special curved screen experience with Samsung and Transformers 4 footage that will be traveling around the world.