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Entries by Mitch Anderson (28)


All Star Superman Blu Ray Review


The newest installment in the DC Animated series is All Star Superman. The film serves as not only an adaptation to the graphic novel of the same name, but also what felt like a throwback to Superman from his earlier days, while at the same time taking a much more modern and needed approach to the character.

The plot starts off with Superman saving the world once again only to find out that He’s been tricked by none other than Lex Luthor, and he is now slowly dying. Both Superman and his alias Clark Kent decide to keep the news to themselves while he attempts to formulate a cure or ultimately decides to come to terms with his fate.

The plot tries to give an observation of Superman’s story in his last days as opposed to being the all out action-fest you might have expected. That’s not to say he isn’t kicking some asses and taking some names throughout, but more so it has to do with the revelation to Louis Lane that Clark Kent and Superman are one in the same. It even go as far as to explore a level of intelligence we rarely see from Superman on film. His fortress of Solitude is a prime example of this; loaded with full size navy ships and space craft’s he had apparently built as models for recreation and his team of numbered robot minions he built to work with him. 

The one real downfall was the step backwards DC seemed to take in terms of the quality of the animation. In comparison to Batman: Under the red Hood the animation is far less superior to what I've come to expect. The voice acting however was at least on par with what I would have expected. I would even go as far as to say Anthony Lapaglia who voiced Lex Luthor did a fantastic job in conveying the tone of evil genius with a hidden conscience. The plot also suffered from a few “filler” moments which felt like they were added only to lengthen the story, but added only cheese and none sense to the mostly witty dialogue.

All Star Superman is a film kids and long term diehard fans of the character are sure to enjoy. But for general audiences or just casual fans of Superman it might not be quite what you're looking for. Although it is passable as a Superman film it felt more like Clark Kent and Lois Lanes story.

As entertaining is it was for the most part I’m giving All Star Superman 6/10


Fair Game

From Doug Liman the director of the Bourne Identity comes the completely opposite and incredibly boring Fair Game. Starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn the film is the real life story of Valerie Plame, the CIA agent exposed to the national media as a covert operative and international spy during the Bush administrations attack of Iraq. The white house used her bad publicity to help hide the fact that they were invading Iraq for reasons completely unrelated to the weapons of mass destruction which they claim to be after form the beginning.

Aside from the craptacular cinematography right from the start of the film it does get off to a great start. We’re introduced to Valerie the CIA operative and suburban wife and average neighbour, all while establishing the CIA’s investigation into Iraq’s ability to produce nuclear weapons. The first half of the film is entertaining, engaging and all around great.  

The plot takes the obvious twist at about the half way point when Valerie is exposed to the media as a member of the CIA, thanks to her obnoxious husband and his mission to get his two cents heard. Her friends and family are reluctant to except the news as is the general public, brushing it off as she must have only been a secretary if anything for the agency.

The real problem with Fair Game is it runs out of things to do after about the halfway point of the film, and it almost seems as though Liman didn’t bother to show up on set for half the production either. As much as this movie bored me half to death as I’m sure it’ll do to you as well, at the very least I’m sure Watts will be nominated for an Oscar; regardless of the fact she played the same cardboard character she does in everything, there’s also a possibility Penn might even be nominated as well even though this was far from his best performance on film.

I don’t recommend this film to anyone, not even as something to catch on cable. Chances are you already know the story, or at least the interesting aspects to it if you were watching the news at all around the time the US invaded Iraq.

I’m giving Fair Game an overall 5/10.


The Other Guys

The Other Guys is about two polar opposite desk cops that get thrown together unwillingly and then get their chance at a career changing case after department all stars Danson and Highsmith (The Rock and Sam Jackson) are suddenly unavailable. Wahlberg is Terry Hoitz the action junkie thrill seeking cop who accidentally shoots Derek Jeter and is assigned a desk alongside Allen Gamble (Ferrell) the pencil pushing never fired his gun forensic accountant desk cop.

The laughs are non-stop right from the opening action sequence to the interactions between Terry and Allen. Terry hates Allen for how much of a pussy he is. According to him even the way he pisses or farts just don’t meet his testosterone filled expectations, “I hate your farts, they’re not masculine enough. They sound like a little baby blowing out birthday candles.” To add insult to injury Allen drives a Prius and listens to nothing but little river band.

The actual plot has to do with corporate fraud, easily the most boring crime to be portrayed on film. Lucky for us though the plot plays second fiddle to the sub plots and jokes throughout, similar to most of Ferrell and director Adam McKay’s other films. Their police Captain played by a comedic genius himself Michael Keaton steals every scene he’s in with little pep talks quoting lines from 90’s pop group TLC, like “don’t go chasing waterfalls” or “I don’t want no scrubs”. There’s also a back story involving Terry learning Ballet for his ex-girlfriend, which was priceless. And then there’s Allen’s wife a super hot doctor played by Eva Mendes, who has Terry in shock and awe from the second she’s introduced. Apparently her and Allen met while she was a medical student treating him for poison ivy of the asshole, how that happens I have no idea, but it sounded hilarious. The running joke throughout that never seems to get old is that Allen may in fact be a ladies-man, and that he was a pimp in college known as “Gator”.

The best part of the film aside from the all star cast, seeing that bastard Derek Jeter get shot and the ridiculous boardroom shoot out scene had to be the return of Allen’s stolen Prius. It was used as a love shack for a group of homeless men to have an orgy in. There was also a thank you note left by “Dirty Mike and The Boys”.

All in all The Other Guys is a comedy that anyone who loves Will Ferrell will be sure to enjoy, those of you not as fond of him should be just as entertained as well. Mark Wahlberg really showed up with his comedic A-game much to my surprise, as I seriously doubted he had a funny bone in his body. Eva Mendes is great as the stereo typical love interest and hot chick from most action movies, but with comedic spin. The cameos are great from everyone involved, and the action worked a lot better than most other comedies, let alone actual action films.

I’m giving The Other Guys  an overall 7.5/10



Words truly can’t describe what I’ve just seen. I don’t throw this term around lightly, but this was a complete masterpiece. From start to finish I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the next moment to pass in this film, but dreading the end. It was such an emotional ride, one I wasn't at all expecting. The visuals we were treated to in the trailers were merely the icing on the cake in the grand scale of what Inception really is.

I was originally worried I'd go in with my expectations raised so high it couldn't compare. This wasn't at all the case. As high of hopes as I had for this going in, nothing could top the feeling I felt after walking out of the theatre. Christopher Nolan in my eyes deserves a spot next to Scorsese as one of this generation’s greatest director’s.

The plot from what everyone knows is a crime which takes place from within someone’s mind. Which to a certain extent is entirely true, but what the trailers don’t reveal, and without spoiling anything is this is about far more than the mind blowing visual and stunning action sequences. This is an amazing story more so than an action filled adrenaline pumped flick. What’s amazing about inception is it touches on so many different genres yet the plot once it comes full circle is actually quite simple. The character development and the way the scenes were shot and brought together are astounding.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the many layers of this film. About half way in I was almost concerned that it had even gone over my own head. But by the end of the film once everything has come full circle you feel a sense of closure, but you could still very easily debate the outcome.

The character development was far beyond anything I expected going into this. The plot works around Leonardo DiCaprio’s Character Cobb and his team, but even more so around him and his personal journey. You’re taken so far into Cobb’s mind and subconscious that you feel like you know him personally. You become extremely emotionally invested in him. You understand his motives, and the way he thinks, why he does things the way he does. Inception is almost entirely about one man’s redemption, but you find yourself questioning that very thing several times over. Nothing truly makes sense until the final credits roll, and like I said even then you could argue the outcome. Nothing is at all cliché about the way this film ends, so don’t for a second think I just ruined the film for you.

You can go out right now and watch every piece of promotional material for this, the trailers, the clips, the interview, the synopsis, and nothing not even this raving review will tell you what the central theme or tone behind the film really are, until you see it all the way through for yourself. I plan to see it again on Friday when it opens everywhere and I suggest you do the same. This is the type of film that multiple viewing will only enhance your perception of it.

I'm giving Inception an overall 10/10

I might also add that I only gave The Dark Knight 8.5. If Nolan isn't at least nominated for Best Director, Inception for Best Picture, and Leo for Best Actor at next year’s Oscars than I am officially done with them.


Batman Under the Red Hood Blu Ray Review

The eighth direct to video release from Warner Bros and DC Comics is Batman:Under the Red Hood. Based on a graphic novel of the same name. The plot revolves around Batman's guilt for allowing the second Robin Jason Todd to die at the hands of the Joker. Five years later a new crime lord/vigilante shows up in Gotham dealing his own form of justice. He goes by the moniker Red Hood, a name once used by the Joker before being dropped into a vat of chemicals by Batman. He starts off by taking over the drug trades in Gotham from the current king pin of crime Black Mask. Batman suspects the Joker may be behind the Red Hood, but the problem is Joker is locked up in Arkham Asylum.

When Red Hood first shows up he forces all of Black Masks top men into working for him, and gives them a set of rules to live by. If they abide by the rules and pay up to him he offers to protect them from Black Mask and Batman. Black Mask responds to this firstly by trying to kill him as he tears his operation apart and takes his men from him, but Red Hood changes his motives and begins to mercilessly kill Black Masks men at will. with no option left and nowhere to run to Black Mask breaks the Joker out of Arkham in order to hunt down and kill Red Hood.

When ever you watch an animated film you almost look at it differently than if it were in actual live action, regardless of the subject matter. With Red Hood you get so caught up in the world they've created using a combination of 2D animation and 3D backgrounds, as well as a story gripping enough it could have been made into a feature length live action film. The fact that it's animated becomes irrelevant.

Stepping in for Kevin Conroy the usual voice behind the animated Batman is Bruce Greenwood who does a great Job unlike Billy Baldwin in Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths. Taking over from Mark Hamill as the regular voice of the Joker was Joe DiMaggio (Bender from Futurama), who gives the character a much more sinister approach. His Joker still laughs and acts like a maniac, but sounds unlike anything you've heard before. Neil Patrick Harris is Nightwing aka the original Robin, he adds a slight touch of humor.

Without spoiling anything for those of you who haven't read the book like myself. It's a great film, and not just as an animated feature it's great in general. The tone is much darker than anything you would likely expect from an animated Batman film, but it works for how twisted and dark the story is.

I'm giving Batman Under the Red Hood an overall 7/10