The Losers

The Losers was definitely a fitting title.
They’re like the low-rent version of the A-Team, Special Forces soldiers that are pissed and seek revenge with the shady CIA boss that attempts to wipe them out, before the opening credits even roll.
An Extremely “original” concept, isn’t it?
The story starts out in the Bolivian Jungle, where the “losers” are setting up an air attack on a drug king-pin’s compound.
Every member of the “losers” has one “thing” about them, and nothing in common aside from being on the same team. Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is the Leonardo to their Ninja Turtles. Roque (Idris Elba) is the all business killing machine. Pooch (Columbus Short) fly’s helicopters and just about everything in between. Cougar (Oscar Jaenada) is the sniper always wearing a leather cowboy hat, he’s the Indiana Jones of snipers. Jensen (Chris ”Captain America” Evans) is the dorky computer guy and comedic relief, because every Special Forces team needs one.
While a couple dozen kids are being rescued from the drug lords, via helicopter , a voice known as “Max” comes on the radio, talks some shit, and then blows it up thinking “the losers” are on board.
At this point everyone thinks they’re dead, so they assume a low profile. Then out of nowhere the super sexy and mysterious Aisha (Zoe Saldana) shows up, starts screwing our leader Clay and for no reason other then her own personal revenge, gives the boys a shit load of money and helps them re-enter the states so they can take out their revenge on the evil voice from the radio “Max”.
The bad guy is played by none other than Jason Patric, who I’m not sure if he was trying to be sarcastic and funny and just isn’t, or if that’s how the characters is supposed to be portrayed, I’ve never actually read the source material before.
The direction being a huge miss didn’t come as much surprise, Sylvain White is best known for ‘Stomp the Yard’, for obvious reasons I never cared to see this movie.
Peter Berg being one of the writers, and having the story come off so generic, did come as a bit of a shock. I would have expected more from him, hopefully ‘Battleship’ turns out better.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan looks like the very cool gun toting smooth talking 5 o’clock shadow bearing “man’s man” from what you see of him in the trailer’s, however this is a far cry from what he really brings to the table. He gave a very ‘who gives shit, lazy’ performance over all.
Chris Evans seems to be the only one to really bring his "A game" to the table this time around, he served as primarily what seemed like a comic relief, but he did a good at this none the less. Can’t wait to see what he does as Captain America next summer
‘The Losers’ opens in theatres this Friday, but for a much better attempt at basically the same thing I'd wait for the 'A-Team' to come out June 11, 2010.
Not horrible for a generic non-original action flick, over all I would give ‘The Losers’ 2.5/5
Reader Comments (10)
wow that was fast lol, thanks for the review, does it really suck that bad? was the action at least awesome enough to justify paying $25 for my and the woman to see in th theatre?
I'm not surpsied this sucked, alot of ppl were saying that it was terible long before anyone ever reviewed it. I might check it out when it hits dvd.
I'm way more interested in seeing A team in june
I wouldn't say it was that bad, its worth checking out, but check your expectations at the door going in.
Like I said, its a low-rent A-Team, so if you want, wait for that to come out in June.
Thanks for reading.
I love chris evans, I might see this just for him, cool review.
I'm really looking forward to this, The Losers are NOT a low-rent A-Team!
You may be right about the movie, but all in all, the A team doesn't compare.
The trailers look awsome, I hope this isn't actually one of those movies where all the good parts are in the trailer and the rest kinda sucks.
I doubt i'll see it in the theatre, maybe...but i think i'm leaning more towards JLo's new flick this weekend.
I really want this to be good, thx for the review but im kinda hoping your wrong, this looks so fuckin awsome.
i'll let you know what I thought on friday
I saw this yesterday, it was painfully awful. your review is spot on, good work :)
I have to say I didn't hate it, but it did kinda suck. I had my expectations way too high going in.
Holy shit was this movie ever stupid, I almost wanted to walk out of the theatre halfway through. Most the time you read a review and they're being way to hard on it, you sir were dead on here