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Entries by Matt Rapier (179)


New Images From Thor: The Dark World

The supehero fan community has been granted a large amount of goodies during the past week. Top of the heap has to go to the new Man of Steel trailer, but following that there has been a ton of new images, first looks, and posters to go along with it.

We've seen new images from the upcoming Spider-Man flick, getting first looks at Harry Osborn and Electro with the latter villain raising more than a few eyebrows around the web. Even today Bryan Singer tweeted out the first look at Halle Berry as Storm from his return to the X-Men film franchise while Iron Man is plastered all over our tv's with the 3rd installment less than 2 weeks away now.

So in all of this mix of superhero goodness where has the almighty Thor been? Much of The Dark World is still under wraps as far as officially released images, but a pretty standard poster for the movie was released last week with Thor summoning lightning in the snow.

These two new images from USA Today very well have seemed to be lost amongst all the other comic related properties right now. They don't reveal a whole lot except that Jane Foster looks to be taking a trip to Asgard. I'm sure they will find a way to explain how she is able to be there after Thor destroyed the Bifrost in the first movie, or maybe they will just gloss over it like Whedon did in Avengers. Hemsworth even commented on how Thor may be in the doghouse a bit for not finding Jane once he returned to Earth.

"Thor still has lot of explaining to do, and a lot of making up," says Hemsworth. "Even demigods end up in the doghouse, mate. So none of us is safe."

And he also mentions Loki's return as well, showing that no matter how often the brothers are at odds, there will be times when they have to look to each other for help in dire situations.

"Needing Loki's help turns everything on its head," says Hemsworth. "And it allows us to explore the underlying complexities of their relationship. It really ends up being a kind of chess match."



Man of Steel Statues Show Off Kryptonian Gear

While Warner Bros. stays a bit conservative with what's released on Man of Steel, these scans come in showing off what the fashion of Krypton looks like. Some prototype images of these were released months ago and I assumed Jor-El's outfit was uncolored at that point, but it looks like his has some tan thrown in it to contrast against all the black of Zod and Faora.

Earlier this week an image of a potential Zod mask for Halloween costumes popped up online and was later asked to be taken down from many sites. If you notice behind Jor-El's outside armor there is a little bit of blue peeking through and also the iconic red cape of Superman so it looks like this will be directly connected to Kal-E'ls heritage.


New Man of Steel Image Is Bad Ass

Take a nice long look at the image above. Superman crouched down to one knee with his cape blowing in the wind, in what can be referred to in football terminology as the classic '3 point stance'. The Man Of Steel. Determined.

When I logged into my email after work this evening this photo was waiting in my inbox. Sent from an erroneous address with three simple words in title, "Run With It". Immediately I remembered seeing this yesterday on a message board I frequently visit, but oddly enough it has since disappeared into the Phantom Zone.

So either this is an actual publicity photo from Man of Steel or quite possibly the best fan manip I have ever seen. You'd think if this is a studio official image that it should be killing our eyesight at every corner of the city, across each passing bus, and of course in theatres so moviegoers can be slapped in the face with the buildup of excitement.

There was a big piece of 'super' missing from the Superbowl if you ask me so I hope we don't have to wait much longer for a marketing campaign. You listening Warner Bros?


Man of Steel Viral?

Almost immediately when I got home from work today a friend posted a link on my Facebook page that led to the image you see above. I dismissed it as some sort of spam or virus, but later on noticed a tweet from TMT's own Jamie Williams about a potential Man of Steel viral marketing page. The two were one in the same.

You can find the page here, and notice the Warner Bros. copyright in the bottom corner of the screen. It's making rounds right now as viral for Man of Steel or potentially Del Toro's Pacific Rim and could go in either direction. The various available signals can be selected that lead you to another page which seem to be specifically made for unlocking new content for one of the mentioned movies.


New Clip From The Dark Knight Returns

The release of The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 is closing in. This is one of the most respected Batman tales ever written by the legendary Frank Miller who also did another classic bat-tale, Year One. His take on the characters beginning was recently adapted into an animated feature as well. The animation looks top notch from all the clips so far and the one below may be my favorite yet. It's always great to see a demonized Batman through the eyes of some crook who's feeling fear.

Along with the clip and images WB released an official statement announcing that Peter Weller will be attending the premiere on the 24th of this month. What's the significance of Robocop himself being at a Batman animated movie release? He will be voicing Mr.Wayne in the film which I'm still trying to get used to, but should end up just fine in the full film.

You can view all the other new images over at

RoboCop star Peter Weller, the voice of the title character for Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1, will be present for Warner Home Video’s West Coast Premiere of the film on September 24 at The Paley Center for Media in Los Angeles.

Weller will take part in the red carpet pre-screening media interviews as well as the post-screening panel discussion. Weller joins previously confirmed actors David Selby (The Social Network/Dark Shadows) and Ariel Winter (Modern Family), executive producer Bruce Timm, director Jay Oliva, writer Bob Goodman and dialogue/casting director Andrea Romano.

The event is completely sold out. Fans who have already submitted ticket requests will be notified this week if they are one of the lucky few to receive seats for the New York and Los Angeles events. Additionally, fans should stay tuned to and for additional opportunities to procure tickets for the bi-coastal events.

Produced by Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 will be distributed by Warner Home Video on September 25, 2012.


The Dark Knight Returns Clip

The first clip for the upcoming animated feature The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 has popped up online. It shows the return of Batman himself after many years of hiatus. I've said it before, but having this piggyback off the release of The Dark Knight Rises could prove to be a really smart move by WB. This scene clearly evokes the same feeling that Nolan used in his film as well when Batman comes back, and that shot of him leaping through the air as the lightning cracks the sky is spine-tingling!

Pick this one up on Blu-ray, DVD, or the various forms of home video on September 25th.


International Trailer for Looper

In Looper, time travel will be invented, but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a "looper", a hired gun, like Joe (Gordon-Levitt) is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop, sending back Joe's future self (Willis) for assassination.

Opening in theaters on September 28, the film stars Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt, Paul Dano, Noah Segan, Piper Perabo and Jeff Daniels. Directed by Rian Johnson.


Amazing Spider-Man Home Video Release has set the release date for The Amazing Spider-Man as November 9th later this year with the box art picture above. A list of possible features was found on which haven't been confirmed officially just yet. You can probably expect a full set of specs to come up online shortly though with the details of all the goodies on the disc.

- Deleted Scenes and Alternate Takes
- Audio Commentaries with Cast and Crew
- The Oscorp Archives – Art and Promotional Materials Gallery
- Screen Tests
- Stunt Rehearsals
The 3D Blu-ray offers two more exclusive features alone with two collectible figurines:
- Both 3D & 2D versions of the film
- Interactive 3D Film School with Director Marc Webb
- Collectible Amazing Spider-Man Figurine
- Collectible Lizard Figurine

Warner Premiere Comes to an End

An official statement was released from Warner Bros. today announcing an end to their direct-to-video line of films, Warner Premiere.

Given the continuing decline in the direct-to-video film market and shifting business models in the production of digital series, the decision was made to close Warner Premiere,” the company said in a release. “The division will continue and complete production on its remaining film and digital series project into the fall.  In addition, the evaluation of potential digital content will be folded into Warner Bros. Digital Distribution, and Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Home Video will continue to produce and release animated films, such as Scooby Doo, Tom and Jerry and DC Universe.

I was only familiar with their animated line of movies, being a huge fan of their DC Universe full length features. Reading further into it, they also released live-action movies like Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning and a few other relatively well known films that never saw a theatrical release.

It is reassuring to know that they continue to release the DCU animated features especially with the upcoming Dark Knight Returns Part 1. Discontinuing these fan favorites would have been a real disappointment to me and I'm sure to many others because of the quality given to each project.


The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 Trailer

Here's the much anticipated first trailer for The Dark Knight Returns animated feature based around Frank Miller's acclaimed story from the 80's. The story will be split into two films to contain the massive tale that is often regarded as one of the definitive Batman stories.

From this footage you can see a little inspiration that leaked into the recent Dark Knight Rises film in theatres now. Nolan pieced together his final chapter from three key Batman stories and Dark Knight Returns is one of them. I think releasing this title on the heels of Rises is a great move from Warner and it should see a nice number in sales.

You can pick it up on Blu-ray/DVD and other home video outlets on September 25th.’s been a decade since Bruce Wayne hung up his cape, following most of the other superheroes who had been forced into retirement. Facing the downside of middle age, a restless Bruce Wayne pacifies his frustration with race cars and liquor – but the bat still beckons as he watches his city fall prey to gangs of barbaric criminals known as The Mutants.
The return of Harvey Dent as Two-Face finally prompts Wayne to once again don the Dark Knight’s cowl, and his dramatic capture of the villain returns him to crime-fighting – simultaneously making him the target of law enforcement and the new hope for a desolate Gotham City. Particularly inspired is a teenage girl named Carrie, who adopts the persona of Robin and ultimately saves Batman from a brutal attack by the Mutant leader. Armed with a new sidekick, and re-energized with a definitive purpose, the Dark Knight returns to protect Gotham from foes new...and old.