Marion Cotillard Joining The Dark Knight Rises?

As previously rumoured to be in contention for a role in the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises; Marion Cotillard may have been cast in a yet to be determined role after all.
It was long rumoured that Cotillard was a favorite to be cast in some capacity after having worked with director Chris Nolan on his most recent blockbuster hit Inception. Then came news that there would be not only one but two female leads to be cast in the film. Speculation and "independently confirmed" info led a lot of people to believe the roles were that of Catwoman and Talia al Ghul. With little time allowed to speculate Warner Bros announced officially that Anne Hathaway would be joining the cast as Selina Kyle along with Tom hardy as Bane. With the core casting announced and in place, including the purposed addition of Joseph Gordon Levitt, a lot of people assumed there wouldn't be another female lead joining the cast after all, and therefore the film wouldn't feature Talia as well.
Now comes news from French newspaper Le Figaro that Cotillard will in fact be joining the cast in Los Angeles this summer when filming begins. Now the obvious choice at this point would be to assume Cotillard must be Talia, but I would still suggest to consider it as rumour at least for now. However Le Figaro is actually France’s oldest and second largest newspaper, so it's even less likely they would have published the report if they didn't at least believe it to be true.