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Entries by Mitch Anderson (472)


Marion Cotillard Joining The Dark Knight Rises?


As previously rumoured to be in contention for a role in the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises; Marion Cotillard may have been cast in a yet to be determined role after all.

It was long rumoured that Cotillard was a favorite to be cast in some capacity after having worked with director Chris Nolan on his most recent blockbuster hit Inception. Then came news that there would be not only one but two female leads to be cast in the film. Speculation and "independently confirmed"  info led a lot of people to believe the roles were that of Catwoman and Talia al Ghul. With little time allowed to speculate Warner Bros announced officially that Anne Hathaway would be joining the cast as Selina Kyle along with Tom hardy as Bane. With the core casting announced and in place, including the purposed addition of Joseph Gordon Levitt, a lot of people assumed there wouldn't be another female lead joining the cast after all, and therefore the film wouldn't feature Talia as well.

Now comes news from French newspaper  Le Figaro that Cotillard will in fact be joining the cast in Los Angeles this summer when filming begins. Now the obvious choice at this point would be to assume Cotillard must be Talia, but I would still suggest to consider it as rumour at least for now. However Le Figaro is actually France’s oldest and second largest newspaper, so it's even less likely they would have published the report if they didn't at least believe it to be true.


2pac Biopic Synopsis Revealed!

A film I've long awaited an official synopsis or casting announcement for has finally revealed more in depth information on the synopsis and character breakdowns. Our Friends over at Moviehole have the exclusive scoop on what to expect in the Antoine Fuqua (Training Day, Brooklyns Finest) directed bio pic for the late rapper Tupac Shakur's bio pic.

The former music video director said he’s interested in finding an unknown actor to play the iconic hip-hop legend.

“That’s the goal, I want to discover someone new,” he revealed. “I want to discover a lot of new people if I can. Obviously I’m going to have to put some people in it that you know, just because actors have different skills. I want to go to the streets and find him anywhere he might be in the world.”

The original intent was to begin shooting last September, but that came and went with nothing new announced or any movement on the project. They're now officially gearing up for an April start in Los Angeles. I wonder if this means casting is already complete or close to being completed and a press release is imminent.

The official synopsis :

“The rise and fall of TUPAC SHAKUR is chronicled, from his days attending the Baltimore School of the Arts as a teenager, to his decision to leave his mother’s dead-end life behind and embrace the Thug Life in California, to his wild success as a rapper and his dangerous war against the East Coast scene. A true poet who was waylaid by fame’s trappings, his earliest ambition was to change the world and make a difference in people’s lives, and before his tragic murder in Las Vegas in 1996, that’s exactly what 2Pac did…”

Stephen J. Rivele, one of two screenwriters hired to write the film spoke to Vulture back in August about the direction the project would be taking:

"This is the story of an artist whose character is at odds with his medium. He was a really sensitive, very romantic, talented young poet who also could sing, dance, and act. But the realities [of the hip-hop record business] were that he had to create this persona of the gangster,"

"He was obviously very angry, and had been subjected to a great deal of violence at home, in the streets and in prison. But he was just beginning to shed that anger and look for a purer voice...He was in the process of changing himself, and entering a new phase of his life — essentially a Romantic vision — and had set up a new label, and a new production company to create it. He saw the contradiction between the musical persona of 'Thug Life,' and his essential nature as a gentle, sensitive person. And that was partly responsible for his murder: He was not a gangster, but the people around him were. They saw he was going to leave, that they were going to lose him, and so I think they decided to kill him."


Red Skull From Captain America Revealed!

The Nazi bad guy with no face from the upcoming Captain America has finally been revealed, sort of. The first look actually comes courtesy of the Halloween costume for the character, none the less it still gives us a basic idea of what to expect this summer.

With this now making its way online and not likely doing the on-screen adaption of the character much justice, I'm expecting an actual picture to be released along with the teaser trailer we've been hearing about for the last while now. Either that or he's briefly revealed in the trailer to be much more awesome  and they feel no need to show us anything else.


New red band trailer 'No Strings Attached'

courtesy of Cinema Blend we have the new and surprisingly hilarious red band trailer for one of the two "fuck friends/ friends with benefits" movies coming out next year. The other being Friends With Benefits starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake being released July 22, which had their equally hilarious red band trailer back in November. But No Strings Attached will beat them to the punch at the box office anyways with a January 21st release date.

As much of a turd as we all know Ashton Kutcher is, he "might" have delivered an actual comedic performance free of his regular half ass douche bag attempt at acting. Then there's Natalie Portman which regardless of what she's in or what she's doing I know could easily stand to stare at her for the better part of two hours any time. That and what we see of her in the trailer looked hysterical. “You look like a pumpkin, bitch.”

Here's the official synopsis:

In this comedy, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) are life-long friends who almost ruin everything by having sex one morning. In order to protect their friendship, they make a pact to keep their relationship strictly “no strings attached.” “No strings” means no jealousy, no expectations, no fighting, no flowers, no baby voices. It means they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, in whatever public place they want, as long as they don’t fall in love. The questions become – Can you have sex without love getting in the way? And can their friendship survive?


New red band trailer 'The Mechanic'

IGN has released an all new red band trailer for Jason Statham's new action thriller The Mechanic. Although the plot looks extremely predictable and un-original like almost everything Statham stars in, it also looks down right awesome and bad ass as fuck like most of his work tends to be as well.

The official synopsis is as follows:

In the action thriller opening January 28, Arthur Bishop (Statham) is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code and unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. It's a job that requires professional perfection and total detachment, and Bishop is the best in the business. But when his mentor and close friend Harry (Sutherland) is murdered, Bishop is anything but detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants those responsible dead.

His mission grows complicated when Harry's son Steve (Foster) approaches him with the same vengeful goal and a determination to learn Bishop's trade. Bishop has always acted alone but he can't turn his back on Harry's son. A methodical hit man takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those hired to fix problems become problems themselves.

New Trailer: Mel Gibson in "The Beaver"

Two-time Academy Award winner Jodie Foster directs and co-stars with two-time Academy Award winner Mel Gibson in The Beaver – an emotional story about a man on a journey to re-discover his family and re-start his life.

Plagued by his own demons, Walter Black was once a successful toy executive and family man who now suffers from depression. No matter what he tries, Walter can’t seem to get himself back on track…until a beaver hand puppet enters his life.


When I had first heard about it, the thought of Mel Gibson gone bat shit crazy with a beaver puppet on his hand for an entire movie actually sounded hilarious to me. But now that I've seen the trailer I'm seriously lowering my expectations. It looks a lot like Summits other non-twilight attempt at drama Remember Me, which had some potential but ultimately fell very short of expectations and was really just a big bunch of "meh" right up until the somewhat-surprise ending.


Spider-Man's Parents and New Villain Cast!

Heat Vision is reporting that Campbell Scott has joined the cast of the new Spider-Man reboot. Also Irrfan Khan, Annie Parisse and Julianne Nicholson are currently in talks to join the production as well.

What comes as somewhat of a surprise is Scott and Nicholson are set to play Peter's parents, who have yet to appear on the big screen and have rarely even appeared in the comics over the years. It's unknown at this point whether they appear only in flashbacks or if they have significant roles through out the film.

Khan is set to play the films second villain Van Atter along side Rhys Ifans and Parisse is being cast as the villains wife.

About the only thing interesting me about the Spider-Man reboot thus far is the casting. The most shocking being Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben, Dennis Leary as Captain Stacy and Andrew Garfield for Spider-Man/Peter Parker.

The Marc Webb directed Spider-Man reboot is set to start production early next year for a Summer 2012 release.


New Trailer "Green Hornet"

Sony has released an all new trailer for their upcoming superhero comedy action adventure flick Green Hornet starring Seth Rogen, Tom Wilkinson, Jay Chou and Cameron Diaz.

I know the first couple trailers ranged between mediocre and down right "meh", and I don't know if it's just me but this new trailer looks all kinds of kick ass and awesome! So does this mean Seth Rogens comic book adaption won't  suck complete ass? Lets hope so, because this new trailer actually has me looking forward to it.

The official synopsis is as follows:

Britt Reid (Seth Rogen), son and heir to Los Angeles' largest newspaper fortune, is a rich, spoiled playboy who has been happy to maintain a direction-less existence. When his father James Reid (Tom Wilkinson) dies, Britt meets an impressive and resourceful company employee, Kato (Jay Chou). They realize that they have the resources to do something worthwhile with their lives and finally step out of James Reid's shadow. Kato builds the ultimate weapon, The Black Beauty, an indestructible car with every weapon imaginable and Britt decides that in order to be heroes, they will pose as villains. With the help of Britt’s new secretary, Lenore Case (Cameron Diaz), they learn that the chief criminal in the city is named Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz). He has united all the gangs under his power, and he quickly sees that the Green Hornet is a direct threat to the prosperous criminal underworld he controls.


Superman Casting Underway!

According to the fine folks at Toldja! the casting for the new Superman reboot is currently underway. Which may not come as much surprise, but what may shock and even disappoint some is the age bracket they apparently plan to stay in and around. Their plan is to cast a relatively unknown actor in and around 28-32. Both Chris Reeve and Brandon Routh fit the same bill when cast as the Man of Steel in their previous efforts as well. As much as a few fans would love to see it doesn't however seem like there's a chance in hell of Routh returning to the role for the reboot. What also might bum a few people out is the alleged age bracket will actually disqualify John Hamm as a possible candidate as previously reported here first.

Among the names of the actors mentioned in the report were my personal favorite for the role Joe Manganiello of the popular HBO series True Blood, Armie Hammer who was most recently in The Social Network and was at one point cast as Batman in the thankfully now dead Justice League Mortal, and the least known and literally smallest was Ian Somerhalder of The Vampire Diaries.

Regardless of who's cast in the role I'm definately confident in Snyder's ability to cast based on authenticity, just look at Watchmen as a perfect example of a graphic novel literally brought to life. I'm expecting we'll likely hear something more concrete before the new year, however I think it's also easily possible that they'll hold off on announcing anything else until after more news regarding The Dark Knight Rises or even more likely next years Green Lantern surfaces first.


New Red Band Trailer "Love & Other Drugs"

A new red band trailer for director and Oscar winning producer Edward Zwick’s Love and Other Drugs has come online courtesy of 20th Century Fox. The film is based on Jamie Reidy’s nonfiction book Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagara Salesman. The film revolves around a successful Viagra salesmen/womanizer (Jake Gyllenhaal) who happens to fall in love with a woman who has Parkinson’s disease (Anne Hathaway).

From the looks of the new uncut footage the film appears to veer a little further off then your average romantic comedy formula, and with Gyllenhaal and Hathaway in the lead roles it might actually be watchable.

Love and Other Drugs opens everywhere November 24, 2010.

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