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    R.I.P. Harold Ramis (1944 - 2014)

    Though most know Harold Ramis most famously as Egon from Ghostbusters, it was actually his talent behind the camera that made him a name in the film industry, writing and directing such classic comedies as Caddyshack, National Lampoon's Vacation, Groundhog Day, and Analyze This.

    Ramis sadly died today at the age of 69, sucummbing to an autoimmune disease that he had battled for the past four years.  He passed in his Chicago-area home, surrounded by family.

    He leaves a mark on Hollywood in terms of 'the American comedy' and is responsible for many quotable lines from a variety of films, with my most favorite being, "He had a business card?  Wow, that's a real fuckin' acheivement." 

    Condolences to his family and friends.

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