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    Garret Hedlund Lands Hook Role in 'Pan'

    Garrett Hedlund's made some odd choices in Hollywood.

    He turns down Captain America, wants nothing to do with the Terminator franchise, signs on for a Tron sequel which doesn't pan out, and now comes away with the lead role of Hook in a Peter Pan reboot.

    To each his own I guess.

    The actor has reportedly won the role of Hook (not Captain yet) in Joe Wright's new take on the J.M. Barrie classic, Pan, for Warner Bros.

    The film will tell the story of an orphan brought to Neverland who goes on to become the savior of the natives and leads the fight against evil pirates, led by Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman was said to have that role locked in but Javier Bardem's name keeps getting mentioned as well).

    Pan is due out July 17th, 2015 (where the Batman/Superman film was to open before it's move to 2016).

    Source:  Deadline 

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