If Will Smith Didn't Return For "Independence Day 2" Why Make It?

I'm not a huge fan of the original, this is no secret to anybody who knows me. I do want to make it clear that despite that, the following opinion comes from a non bias place.
The official announcement back in June for the Roland Emmerich helmed 2nd installment of Independence Day indicated that they were going up against some aliens without the help of the original films star, Will Smith. What? Why would the studio big wigs even consider making an Independence Day sequel without Will Smith on board?
Seems that logic finally got in the way of the studios Will Smithless delusions. According DIGITAL SPY, who had the opportunity to sit down with director Roland Emmerich, Smith could be back in the mix again.
"I sometimes say no, Will Smith will not be in it because he didn't want to do it at first. Now we have a meeting planned, we want to talk about it again. Anything can happen,"
Let's be honest here, either the studio is begging Will Smith to come back because they know they have nothing without him or the actor realizes he needs to get bring it after the debacle that was After Earth. If somehow this all falls apart then the studio could always just replace him with Don Cheadle, I'm sure nobody will notice.
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