Han Zimmer Talks About Possible Return To The Batman Universe & "Batfleck"

I really loved Han Zimmer's Dark Knight Trilogy score, although repetitive at times I thought it captured the character and the universe perfectly. I didn't feel the same way with Man Of Steel. Outside of a couple of the pieces, I wasn't enthralled with the score. I could be possible that I was so used to the Williams Score(s) being associated with Superman that I was jaded, but I just wasnt' feeling it.
RED CARPET NEWS caught up with Zimmer and asked him about the possibility of him scoring the upcoming Batman vs Superman project and for his thoughts on the casting of Affleck.
On Returning To Score Batman:
"This is really complicated for me...because we all went, 'Okay, we're done with Batman,' and now it's sort of getting smuggled back in. I'll have to have a think about that one. I might give you a new Batman if I do it."
On The Casting Of Ben Affleck:
"I actually think it's a really good choice, because #1 he's a great filmmaker. He's smart. He wouldn't have taken it if he had set himself up for a fall. And, you know, he's a bit older these days and that's what we need, and he's got a good chin."
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