Trailer for the SUPER DUPER Top Secret Film: ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW

If you follow a bunch of "movie nerds" on Twitter you've probably heard about how "bold" and "groundbreaking" the handy-cam shot Escape From Tomorrow is, which was filmed in secret at Orlando, Florida's Walt Disney World.
Since people weren't sure how the fuck this was made or how they'd release, people kind of assumed it'd be buried in the sands of time and our kids would discover it on the internet. Well NOT SO FAST! Because this mother-damner is coming to an art-house theater near you, THIS October, and here's a trailer:
What do you guys think? Me personally, I was expecting something a bit....different? This looks cool though I guess, I'll def pick it up on Bluray or whenever it hits Netflix.
Roy Abramsohn, Elena Schuber, Katelynn Rodriguez, Annet Mahendru, Danielle Safady and Alison Lees-Taylor star in Escape From Tomorrow, in select-theaters October 11.
An epic battle begins when a middle-aged American husband and father of two learns that he has lost his job. Keeping the news from his nagging wife and wound-up children, he packs up the family and embarks on a full day of park hopping amid enchanted castles and fairytale princesses. Soon, the manufactured mirth of the fantasy land around him begins to haunt his subconscious. An idyllic family vacation quickly unravels into a surrealist nightmare of paranoid visions, bizarre encounters, and an obsessive pursuit of a pair of sexy teenage Parisians. Chillingly shot in black and white, ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW dissects the mythology of artificial perfection while subversively attacking our culture's obsession with mass entertainment.
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