Thanks To "Oklahomans" (Me) Weinstein Will Be Cutting SNOWPIERCER

Well. I'm actually kind of offended.
IF has learned that Weinstein is demanding Bong slash the running time by 20 minutes for the version to be released in TWC’s territories.
“TWC people have told Bong that their aim is to make sure the film ‘will be understood by audiences in Iowa ... and Oklahoma,’" English writer and film festival programmer Tony Rayns told IF.
Snowpiercer, a critically praised post-apocalyptic film starring "Chris Evans as the leader of a revolt on a train that carries the last survivors of the human race after an experiment to end global warming fails. The cast includes Song Kang-ho, Tilda Swinton, Ko Ah-sung, Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Ed Harris and. Octavia Spencer," will be cut to make it apparently more "Hollywood safe."
According to Rayns, Bong said the cuts would eliminate much of the character detail, which would make the film seem more like an action movie. Weinstein is also adding opening and closing voice-overs.
“Nobody (least of all Bong himself) is optimistic that his rear-guard actions against the ‘Weinstein version’ will get his original version released in English-speaking territories, but I hope that Oz, like the UK, will fight the good fight to protest Weinstein’s cuts,” said Rayns.
“If the ‘Weinstein version’ flops in theatres, it may at least speed up release of what I'm sure Weinstein will call ‘the director's cut’ on Blu-ray and DVD.”
Weinstein earned his reputation after cutting films such as Shaolin Soccer, Hero andPrincess Mononoke for US release. "I'm not cutting for fun," he once told journalist Ken Auletta. “I'm cutting for the shit to work. All my life I served one master: the film. I love movies."
I've never even heard of this film till today; but still. Ouch. I mean, I get where they're coming from, but come on.
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