Bryan Singer Doesn't NOT Like Man of Steel

The last two months had to be therapeutic for Bryan Singer. All that shit talking about how Man of Steel was going to put Superman Returns to shame from the fan community. How it was going to score critically and commercially. Even Warner Brothers was guilty of sweeping Singer's Superman "requel" under the rug building up to its release.
Then the reviews poured in; ranging mostly from mixed-to-negative. And then it opened followed by all the "There was too much action!" complaints (Ironic considering it was the exact opposite last time). While yes Man of Steel scored super dollars at the box-office, it didn't defy gravity and stay afloat the Top 5 as long as many, myself included, thought. So front-loaded in fact, the studio has all but hijacked what was supposed to be the sequel for a Superman/Batman team-up film for summer 2015 instead.
In the eyes of many, Superman Returns doesn't look so bad hindsight being what it is. The whole time you knew someone was going to get his $.02 on Zack Snyder's do-over. And while he defended it in some areas, like it lacking charm (His response was, "Henry Cavill is pretty charming"), he didn't exactly say he liked the film as a whole calling it a "very different film; a total reconception of the [Richard] Donner films."
Choice words, Bryan.
Source: JoBlo
Reader Comments (2)
Holy revisionist history Batman. Man of Steel had the biggest June opening ever and Superman Returns got it's ass kicked by Devil Wears Prada. WB is clearly happy with Man of Steel's performance and they clearly weren't with Superman Returns. No one is looking back in hindsight as Superman Returms cuz no one remembers it.
Man of Steel was garbage.
Singers version was boring, but Man of Steel was about as interesting as watching someone else play an arcade fighting game. If money is the only thing they use to measure a film's value, then the Transformers movies must be some of the greatest, and Man of Steel belongs right up there with them.