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    Fast & Furious 7 Got A Lot More Badass - Kurt Russell Joins Cast

    Kurt Russell has been away from the silver screen for six years. The last time the badass legend graced our presence was in Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof. And while he was the best thing in the otherwise ill-advised 70s throwback, Tarantino had the good graces to cast him in Django Unchained until Russell walked amid some 70% of his role having been completed (I was amused to see colleagues with ties to Quentin spinning the story in his favor. I'm a big fan but... *Shakes head* Russell was in the right, and that's all I'll say about that).

    Either way, it's been too long and in a case of either Botham spies lurking within the Cinematallica headquarters or great minds thinking alike, they got their wish. Variety reports Russell has joined the cast of The Fast & the Furious 7 in an unspecified role (We're assuming a villain alongside Jason Statham) previously offered to Denzel Washington. Like Dwayne Jonnson coming aboard starting with Fast 5, this is the perfect blend of right actor to right franchise.

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