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    Zack Snyder TOTALLY Wanted All Those People in Metropolis Dead

    Besides killing Zod, the destruction of Metropolis (Half of it, at the very least) and the nonchalant attitude of the Daily Planet, and seemingly the rest of the world, at the end was a major bone of contention for many critics of Man of Steel.

    During our Movie Moan discussion, I brought up several logos and fliers on the set showing that they didn't just callously toss away all those dead and unaccounted for Metropolis denizens. That Zack Snyder had thought about that fallback but, whatever reason, chose against including them in the finished product. Speaking to Japan Times on the eve of his Superman epic's theatrical release there, Snyder addresses that controversy:

    "I wanted the movie to have a mythological feeling. In ancient mythology, mass deaths are used to symbolize disasters. In other countries like Greece and Japan, myths were recounted through the generations, partly to answer unanswerable questions about death and violence. In America, we don't have that legacy of ancient mythology. Superman (who first appeared in 'Action Comics' in 1938) is probably the closest we get. It’s a way of recounting the myth."

    Way to make me look like a horse's ass defending you there, Zack.

    Reader Comments (1)

    "half at the very least"

    I think more people need to visit big cities. Even if you took out the entire financial district of New York City that wouldn't be "at least half" of the city. Central Park isn't even half and that's a far greater area than the gravity beam damage zone in MOS. Seriously, someone look into this.

    08-30-2013 | Unregistered Commenterjim

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