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    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Poster Owes Hal Ashby $20

    The trailer for Ben Stiller's remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty wowed when it premiered a few weeks ago. Who would have thought the worn-out (Seriously look at his face; even he is tired of the shitty comedies he now does in his sleep) and overexposed comedian had this bottled up in him all these years? We'll have to wait till Christmas Day to see if this isn't a case of an amazing trailer to a subpar movie.

    But for now, it's all about the buildup. Before the inevitable second trailer, probably in October if I had to guess, here is the poster (via MSN). To say this owes a debt of gratitude to Being There is putting it lightly. Not that we're complaining. It's a nice li'l poster that stands out from the usual batch cropped heads one-sheets.

    No, but seriously they should write a check to Hal Ashby's estate.

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