Mitch Hurwitz Single-Handedly Beating Arrested Development Movie Drum

The greatly-anticipated fourth season of Arrested Development came and went. Besides "Oh yeah we're still totally interested in more!" comments from Netflix, everything has cooled off on seeing yet another return to the Bluth family chronicles. Maybe the revival season was just that much of a disappointment to critics and fans or maybe the viewership/ratings/whatever-they-use-to-rate-success didn’t meet expectations. After all the series never broke out past cult status, despite critical accolades.
All I know is, no matter your thoughts, creator/showrunner Mitch Hurwitz was a fool ending the season (and possibly series) on a cliffhanger with nary a contractual commitment from the network or cast. I have to wonder if he knows that too. And now we're right back to where we started. Hurwitz is talking up an Arrested Development movie again, this time to Rolling Stone. Something he was doing in the seven years between the series' cancellation and the miraculous return to airwaves (which he has now royally screwed up):
"I'm working on the movie right now. I can't get into much more detail because I don't want to scare anybody off. I don't want to be presumptuous about it. I don't own the property outright – it's a 20th Century Fox property. But everybody seems really into it and really eager to make a movie."
The rest is more of the same. Blah, blah, I wanna do the movie and then season five, blah, blah, blah. Though at one point, he compares Arrested Development season four to The Godfather Part II and how people weren't crazy about it at first. Sure, Mitch.
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