Divergent: The Teaser Trailer About Nothing

The kids say Divergent is a big deal, and Lionsgate/Summit pay attention to what they say. They had a nice, long bath in Twilight money for the last four years. They're just beginning to get soaked over The Hunger Games profits. So any young-adult fiction that takes off should immediately be taken into serious consideration as the next big thing.
I'd just like to know how Divergent is supposed to be this big thing and, more importantly, what the Hell it's supposed to be about. The much-hyped teaser trailer for the Neil Burger-directed adaptation debuted on the MTV Video Music Awards tonight in between everyone cooing over that 'N Sync reunion.
Obviously I'm not a teenage girl here, i.e. the key demo. But I get why Twilight (One of the few movie-news writers who has treated the property, its fans and its creator with respect FYI) and The Hunger Games took off. Failing to see the appeal of this, but then again, it's only the teaser.
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