The Counselor International Trailer is the Opposite of the U.S. Trailer

The U.S. trailer for Ridley Scott's The Counselor was too coy for my tastes. Aren't we supposed to have some semblance of the plot in order to get interested in seeing the final product? All talk about a highly-prominent lawyer played by Michael Fassbender doing something that gets him in trouble with the wrong people. Don't ask what he did, because they ain't telling. Hence my frustration.
The new International trailer sheds not only some light on the questionable action, but a nice twist. The shady folks don't appear to be Javier Bardem and Brad Pitt, as heavily implied in the U.S. trailer. No, it's bad, big... Cameron Diaz? Yeah, it's a stretch and frankly she's trying way too hard here to be convincingly "evil." But I like the chance of pace and can now say that yes The Counselor has my curiosity. Even if it still appears to be a generic thriller.
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