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    Director of JURASSIC PARK 4 Says Film Will Defend It's Own Existence 

    It's been all quiet on the Nublar front for a while, I mean we had that rumored plot-synopsis leak back in July or so, and now director of Jurassic Park IV and Safety Not Guaranteed, Colin Trevorrow, has spoken on Jurassic Park fansite, "Jurassic Park Forever"s podcast to shed some tiny new tidbits on the film people probably keep thinking won't happen. First of all, Trevorrow called out some of the "insider details" that have been spreading around:

    “I saw some of the rumours on the internet and I would have all kinds of red flags going off if I heard they were going to muzzle a T-Rex. So I would say don’t believe everything you read, there are way more insiders on the internet than there are in real life.”

    Fanboy Nation, etc etc, Trevorrow also said what many directors of belated sequels or reboots often say, that he wants to appease both the jaded neckbeards who hate the idea of a Jurassic Park IV, and the normal people who go to the movies to have fun, and are excited for the franchise's future.

    “It’s important to make a movie for the fans but I also have to remember that there’s a lot of people who just couldn’t care less and need me to make a solid case for why the hell there’s a Jurassic Park 4 in the first place, and I want to make a movie for them too.”

    Lastly, Trevorrow said:

    “This is not a paycheck gig for me and it’s not the movie that I’m making so I can make the movies that I really want to make. I actually want to make a kick-ass Jurassic Park movie.”

    Now, begin the fanboy out-rage at using the word "kick-ass" to describe Jurassic Park. "OMG MUH JURASSIC PARK ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE KICK ASS ITS ABOUT MUH SPIELBERG CHARM" etc etc.

    You can listen to the full podcast here:

    And expect Jurassic Park IV to roar into theaters in 2015 in 3D.

    Quotes compiled courtesy of Collider

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