Vin Diesel Has New Potential Sci-Fi Franchise to Geek Out Over/Spread Bullshit About

All this "I'm gonna be in a Marvel movie! No wait, I'm playing Vision in The Avengers 2! No wait, I really gonna voice Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy!" talk from Vin Diesel falls on deaf ears. If Marvel throws a press release verifying his claims, of course I'll believe it. Maybe he's in, maybe he's out, I don't know. The guy has a big mouth and quickly-approaching Mark Millar-levels of bullshit spreading. So anything directing from him, here on out, doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
Not the case here, thankfully. Diesel still hot for sci-fi actioners wants to continue in that direction. He'll headline Soldiers of the Sun, from a spec script by Arash Amel, for Universal. The plot is "set in a post-apocalyptic future and focuses on a squad of soldiers that searches for a fabled city of gold while on a tour of duty in Mexico liberating it from an alien race known as Orcs."
Best case scenario for Diesel and the studio, they get another The Fast & the Furious out of this. Most likely scenario, on the other hand, is another Babylon A.D.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
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