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    International Trailer For DRIVE Sequel: ONLY GOD FORGIVES. Real Human Being in China.


    In 2011 the internet was graced with director Nicolas Winding Refn's comedy gold-mine DRIVE which inspired many out of shape, hairy, balding losers to buy a cool scorpion jacket (I did, it just arrived on Friday), well, now we have Only God Forgives which will inspire many more fedora-wearing cinema goers to walk around in a suit that doesn't fit and a disgusting patch of facial hair, challenging Chinese businessmen to fight.

    Only God Forgives saunters weirdly into theaters  on July 19; and will probably play at one of those weird theaters you kind of don't want to go to; or it will be in the local megaplex in the screen that's furthest down the long maze of hallways. 

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