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    Could Christopher Nolan's Syncopy Be The Next Legendary Pictures?

    There is a "whole lotta' shakin' going on" over at The Brothers Warner. Even Batman can no longer protect the studio that seemed without weakness the past decade plus. Jeff Robinov has exited his post as Warner Brothers Pictures Group President while Kevin Tsujihara has been appointed Warner Bros CEO & Chairman. On top of that Thomas Tull, founder and CEO of Legendary Pictures, has broken off talks with Warner Bros. which could result in the dissolution of Hollyweird's most lucrative film partnerships.

    Legendary has co-financed most all of WB's biggest hits since signing a deal with the studio to co-produce and co-finance up to 40 films over seven years in 2005. The company that teamed up with WB to bring Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Man of Steel and The Hangover, is now looking for other options. According to DEADLINE Tull has made his choice to replace Warner Bros and the winner is Comcast/NBC Universal. Although, there is always a possibility that another suitor could sweep Tull off his feet at the last minute.

    Where does Legendary's exit from Burbank leave Warner Bros? The answer could lie with WB Golden Boy Christopher Nolan. It's possible that Syncopy could be positioning itself to be the next Legendary. The production company has partnered with Legendary to product Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Man Of Steel, and the upcoming Interstellar. Warner Bros obviously wants to be in business with Christopher Nolan, the studio gave Paramount the rights to co-finance the next Friday the 13th as well as its piece of a possible future South Park movie.

    Syncopy being the sole co-financier & co-producer on some of Warner Bros' biggest future films could be a step in the right direction to keeping Nolan in Burbank for years to come.

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