When Clark Met Bruce… In Toronto

The cinematic team up of Superman and Batman, until further notice I will refer to as When Clark Met Bruce..., will have to get cameras rolling faster than a speeding bullet to make its summer (AKA July) release. Zack Snyder got that memo.
VanCity Buzz reports production on the Man of Steel follow-up will relocate from Vancouver where the bulk of shooting took place on the first film, to Toronto. No, it's not because half the city was destroyed in the process. Cheaper tax credits won the day.
Not like they up and left the country altogether. They're still lensing in Canada, known for its less-costly rates when compared to us in the states. Of course they still have the li'l matter of who will wear the cape-and-cowl. If production is set for a Spring 2014 start-date, they must already have an actor (or two) in mind.
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