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    Johnny Depp Might Hang Up The Ol' Eyeliner And Makeup For "Quieter Things"


    In news that will really upset my mom, Variety reports that Johnny Depp, who recently starred in the critically panned and U.S. Box office failure The Lone Ranger, which was actually one of my favorite movies of the summer, might be taking a break from acting sometime soon to persue finer things like having sex with Helena Bonham-Carter while Tim Burton watches, and counting his piles of change that he's recieved by playing "that weird attractive guy".

    Depp, who was in Blighty to promote his latest pic and recent U.S. box office flop “The Lone Ranger,” told the Beeb that the acting profession was an “insane option for a human being.”

    He said: “At a certain point you start thinking. When you add up the amount of dialogue that you say per year and you realize that you’ve said written words more than you’ve had a chance to say your own words, you start thinking about that as an insane option for a human being.”

    Pretty deep stuff there, Tonto.

    Depp went on to say that there were “quieter things” that he would not mind doing.

    “I wouldn’t say I’m dropping out any second, but I would say it’s probably not too far away.”

    I really hope this comes to pass as a "maybe I better not" kind of thing. A lot of people put J-Dizzle down; but I don't think he's had his BIG role yet that really solidifies his career.
    He needs one more Blow or Ed Wood or hell, even another Finding Neverland.

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